It is permissible to give him Zakah as well. That is, if they equal the nisaab, Zakah will be wajib. The local Ulama should be consulted with regard to what amount of Zakah is due on them. That which obligates Zakat: to possess assets of a productive nature equivalent to the value of 612.36 g of silver. At the time of giving this gift to them, one should have the intention in his heart that he is giving Zakah. Zakat conditions in Islam is a fixed amount of capital to be paid at a specified period to certain groups of people. He also envisages receiving another R1000 from somewhere. 4001 That is, if the mother was a domestic animal, it will also be regarded as a domestic animal. This is because the destroying of Zakahable wealth does not absolve one from paying Zakah. And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best, On the twenty seventh of Rajab the Musjids will be full. In other words, Zakah is wajib on everything that is made of gold or silver. Such charities are, nazr, kaffarah, ushr, sadaqatul fitr. Zakah is not wajib on wild animals such as buck. If a poor person is given something as a gift, but in his heart the person has the intention of giving Zakah, even then Zakah will be fulfilled. Assuming that the price of 11.664 grams of gold is R25, and for R1 we can get 17.496 grams of silver and a person possesses double this amount of gold (i.e. But if he spends your R2 first and thereafter gives his own R2 to a poor person, Zakah will not be fulfilled. 1. Before the expiry of the year, he gives Zakah for the total R2000. 5. If it is not kept for any of these purposes, and instead, is kept for its meat or as a means of transportation, it will not be regarded as livestock. The following things are regarded as necessities of life: a house to stay in, clothes that are worn, slaves for domestic purposes, and furniture that is in use. The moment he pays an amount equal to the value of 128.304 grams of silver, Zakah will become wajib on him. Instead, he gave another R2 which was in his personal possession and thought in his mind that he will take the R2 that you had given him. 5. : 786001 923 30. One dinar per horse will have to be given. If honey is obtained from an ushri land, from the jungle or a mountain, Zakah on this honey will also be wajib. The Hanafi and maaliki jurists consider them to be more deserving of Zakat than the poor. If you did not give him any money but merely asked him to give some Zakah on your behalf and he does this for you, the Zakah will be fulfilled. This is irrespective of whether these items are in use or not. Despite this, he has a very large number of dependents whereby he cannot live a comfortable life and always finds himself in difficulties. Imam Malik also has supported this view in one of his sayings and Imam Shafi'i as well in one of his later pronouncements, though according to Hadith, it is permissible to pronounce Aamin both audibly and inaudibly. As long as Zakah is not given to the rightful person, it will not be considered to be fulfilled. nor can Zakah funds be used to prepare meals for the poor without giving them unconditional possession over the food. Zakah is also wajib on the money that is owed to a person by his debtors. 2. Zakah will be wajib irrespective of whether the produce is of a considerable amount or very little. Zakat is subject to many rules when it comes to its discharge and distribution. One must, however, calculate Zakah at the end of the Zakah year to determine whether there was any shortfall or not, and if so make good the outstanding amount. Large utensils, expensive carpets, etc. However, if his money gets less than the nisaab at the end of that year, then Zakah will not be wajib on him and the Zakah which he had already given will be regarded as a voluntary charity (sadaqah-e-naafilah). In other words, if there are more bulls, then bulls will have to be given. People will gather …, Head Office: 2.5% Zakat is due on the figure from step 3. These days, coins are made of copper and other cheap metals. Account No. First Edition 2015 Darul Fiqh Publications This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial- No Derivatives 4.0 International License. If his wealth is less than this, Zakah will not be wajib. Zakah is wajib on 1/40th of all the wealth which a person possesses. Should Nisab enter one’s  possession and remain with oneself for the entire lunar year, then one will be liable to pay Zakah, irrespective of the fluctuations during the year provided the net-value had not reached zero. Muslims believe those who give zakat can expect reward from God in the afterlife, while neglecting to give zakat can result in damnation. 4. Zakah will be wajib for all the years. However, if his debt is less than R1000, then this amount that he is owing will be subtracted from the cash that he possesses. If a person has so much of silver in his possession that the Zakah on that silver amounts to 33 grams of silver and the market value of this 33 grams is two silver coins, then it is not permissible to give two silver coins in Zakah because these two coins do not weigh 33 grams. That is, to one's parents, maternal and paternal grand-parents and even great grand-parents. You can calculate nisab in terms of either Gold or Silver value. If the gold or silver is not pure but has been mixed with another metal, then one will have to check as to which is more in content. The Muslim ruler confiscated all the land of that place and distributed it among the Muslims. The word is also used to refer to the document which proves that he owns this share. However, if this representative does not distribute the Zakah, or distributes it incorrectly then one’s Zakah will not be discharged, and will still remain an obligation until it is fulfilled. Zakah should not be given to him until it has been ascertained whether he is eligible to receive Zakah or not. You use either the current market price of gold or silver to calculate nisab. 4. He does not even have the right to collect or ask you for that money. In such a case Zakah will not be wajib. Durban, 4091, It is permissible to give Zakah to one's foster mother and foster children. A rich person upon whom Zakah is wajib gives his Zakah before the expiry of one year and does not wait until the end of the year. Therefore, one may pay Zakah on the full market value of the investment. It is permissible to give Zakah to one's Muslim servants, workers, employees, etc. 3. If a person purchases some rice or any other item for his domestic needs or for a wedding, etc. 2. The year for that animal will be calculated from the time that the person intended to use it for the purpose of trade. It will remain wajib upon him. Later, if a Muslim repurchases it or obtains it in some other way, it will not become an ushri land. A person comes to borrow some money and it is known that he is so poor and hard-pressed that he will be unable to fulfil this debt or that he is a very bad payer and never fulfils his debts. Zakat funds cannot be used for the building of a musjid, for the shrouding and burial of a deceased person, for the payment of debts on behalf of a deceased person, or for any other noble purpose. He will have to give the Zakah again, and he will be rewarded separately for the money that he had already given. It is permissible for a rich person to give Zakah for several years beforehand. It should be remembered that Zakah becomes fard on five camels. Apart from these, all other charities can be given to them. But if the person is not rich and envisaged receiving some money in the near future, and therefore gave his Zakah before the expiry of the year, this Zakah of his will not be considered to be fulfilled. Moreover, Zakat al-Fitr is an act of worship required to be fulfilled with food, and it is wrong to give it in any different form. (The market-rated value of the stock will be considered.). (The market-rated value of the stock will be considered.). If the content of the other metal is more than that of the gold or silver, it will not be regarded as gold or silver. Livestock refers to the animal in which the following factors are found: It must graze freely for a major portion of the year. The answer is easy: Zakat can be paid to deserving individuals or groups who fall into one or more of eight zakatable categories designated by God in the Quran. he sold some of his personal clothing or some household goods, and the person is still owing him the money for these items. Nor does he have any wealth upon which Zakah could be wajib. Zakah for the previous years will not be wajib. Account Name: Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) P.O. The Quran discusses charity in many verses, some of which relate to zakat. The very first day a person possesses wealth equivalent to the value of Nisab heralds the beginning of his/her Zakatable year. If he merely gives it without making any intention, the Zakah will not be fulfilled. It will be permissible to give Zakah to such a woman. The word zakat, with the meaning used in Islam now, is found, for example, in suras: 7:156, 9:60, 19:31, 19:55, 21:73, 23:4, 27:3, 30:39, 31:4 and 41:7. Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. Gold and Silver: All forms of gold and silver, jewellery that contain 50% or more gold and silver content, gold and silver coins (e.g. Zakah can be paid in cash or kind. 62/64 Bertha Mkhize (Victoria) Street Even in this case the Zakah will be be fulfilled. Zakah will not be wajib on him. The same applies to shares in real-estate companies that are in turmoil, where the reason for the may be because of corruption and cheating on the part of the management of the company, or the reason may be impediments in the rules and regulations laid down by the state, or disputes or liens against that property. Authority can be delegated to another person or an organisation to distribute Zakah on one’s behalf. The equivalent Rand value of this fluctuates daily. Actually, this dispute in categorization has no effect, since both the poor and the needy are … Authority can be delegated to another person or an organisation to distribute Zakah on one's behalf. Section 18A Tax certificates are only issued on request. It must be kept for its milk, for the purpose of pro-creation, or in order to fatten it. It is necessary for the validity of discharging Zakah to have the intention of discharging Zakah. What are the acts which make ghusl obligatory? However, if these items do not reach the nisaab, Zakah will not be wajib. And if silver is paid in Zakah against silver goods, then the weight of the silver being paid is considered and not the price. In short, by hiring or renting something out, Zakah does not become wajib on that thing. If, after adding them together, they equal the nisaab, Zakah will be wajib on the total amount. Zakah will only be calculated from the day that she actually receives her mahr. Kruger coin), gold and silver ornaments, utensils, etc. You have given a person R2 to be given on your behalf as Zakah. Under the patronage of the Abbasids, the Hanafi school flourished in Iraq and spread … Similarly, if hay or straw is brought to its stable and it feeds on that hay or straw, it will not be regarded as livestock irrespective of whether this hay or straw was purchased or not. 223 Alpine Road, In addition to this, if the R5 were to be added together, this will result in a lot of wealth upon which Zakah will be wajib. Zakah cannot be given to one's ascendents. If a person possesses camels and gives a camel as Zakah, then this camel which he is giving as Zakah will have to be a female camel. If the number of camels is more than 200, the same method of calculation as has been followed from 150 onwards should be continued. The new Zakah year commences upon regaining the equivalent of Nisab., Welfare Department : In this case, Zakah will be fulfilled. Curricular Context Zakat has many rules and conditions as well as it must be spent in the cause of Allah For example, if there are 20 bulls and 10 buffaloes, both will be added together thereby completing the nisaab of 30. This is also permissible. The following table may be consulted for Zakah on sheep and goats: Zakah is Fardh (compulsory) upon every sane adult Muslim (male and female) who possesses net-Zakatable assets (i.e. One must, however, calculate Zakah at the end of the Zakah year to determine whether there was any shortfall or not, and if so make good the outstanding amount. If the person who gave the Zakah learns that the person to whom he had given the Zakah was actually a kaafir, he will have to give Zakah again. If his heart tells him that the person is rich, Zakah will not be fulfilled and will therefore have to be repeated. However, if one destroyed the wealth deliberately or used up the wealth, Zakah will be payable in full. Name: Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) The animal that is born through copulation between a domestic animal and a wild animal will fall under the classification of its mother. We seek refuge in Allah Ta'ala. He will have to repeat the payment of his Zakah. If it is more than this, Zakah will still be wajib. 3. But if the mother was a wild animal, it will also be regarded as such, e.g. Zakat is owed on specific assets only, identified by Islamic Law as assets having the potential for growth, called “Zakatable Assets.” Zakat is the compulsory transfer of ownership of a portion of the wealth of the giver, calculated at the rate of 2.5%, to poor and deserving Muslims who qualify to receive Zakat according to Islamic Law. If this is undertaken then the amount given will then be a debt upon one and will have to be repaid. These rules will be discussed later. If Zakatable assets are destroyed (without one's own doing), Zakah will only be paid on the remainder if a person's wealth gets destroyed after the year-end. However, if one is in possession of older animals together with younger animals, Zakah will be obligatory on both young and old animals. The Fiqh of Zakāt By Mufti Faraz Adam al-Mahmudi 2. The moment an instalment reaches the current nisaab, Zakah becomes wajib for all the years in which Zakah was not paid. It is also permissible for him to accept Zakah money. Upon the expiry of the year, Zakah should be given immediately. This is irrespective of whether he pays the rent in cash or gives some produce of the land as a form of payment. Acc. The Second Type: A person did not loan any cash nor did he give (on credit) any goods for trade. Even in this case, Zakah will not be fulfilled. This course focuses on the detailed Rules of Purification, Prayer, Rules of Funeral rites, Zakat, Fasting, Spiritual retreat (‘itikaf), Pilgrimage (Hajj), Trade, and Marriage. A person possessed the nisaab but prior to the expiry of one year all his wealth is lost and it was not in his possession for the complete year. Hence, Zakah cannot be given or used for the construction of a Masjid, Islamic institute, etc. What do I need to pay Zakat … Your easy way to learn about the rules of Islamic Fiqh, register in the Islamic jurisprudence platform to be able to pass the levels after a wonderful educational experience, collect your points and get a number of medals and a certificate. Livestock: Livestock such as: goats, sheep, cows, bulls and camels for breeding purposes. However, if they are less than the nisaab, Zakah will not be wajib. In other words, if a person possesses the nisaab at the beginning and at the end of the year, Zakah will be wajib on him. Nedbank – Greyville (128905): 10. The Malikis and the Shafi'is prescribe zakat on everything that is stored as a provision, such as wheat, barley, rice, dates and raisins. At the time of giving the Zakah to a poor person, one must have the intention in his heart that he is giving this money as Zakah. However, calculating one's Zakah of the listed company share or unit trust maybe cumbersome.