The institution of the Great Synagogue, or perhaps, more correctly, the Great Assembly, belongs to that period of Jewish history which is still virtually a complete blank, namely the Persian period. Quite frankly, this is a misinterpretation and misapplication of the verses in Revelation. The synagogue is the Jewish equivalent of a church, more or less. A synagogue is a house of God, a place to feel God's presence, worship and join a community in prayer.Behavior in a synagogue should be appropriately respectful. The synagogue is the Jewish place of worship, but is also used as a place to study, and often as a community centre as well. The role of the rabbi has also expanded in modern times. Since the synagogue is considered a house of God, it is usually appropriate to wear nice clothes. The word synagogue comes from a Greek word meaning "assembly of men" or "congregation," and it was used much like the English word "church." Synagogue layout and services Inside the synagogue. Since a synagogue is a house of worship it is generally advisable to wear “nice clothes” to a prayer service or other lifecycle event, such as a Bar Mitzvah.For most services, this can be loosely defined to mean business casual clothing. While in many traditional and Sephardic synagogues, the bimah is located in the center of the sanctuary, in most modern liberal synagogues, the bimah is at the front, with the ark (the cabinet in which the Torah scrolls are stored) located behind it. Synagogue. Internet searches of “synagogue of Satan” produce quite a few links to sites that claim the “synagogue of Satan” refers to the Jewish people today and that promote all kinds of conspiracy theories about how the Jews run the world. The bimah (pronounced BEE-ma) is the raised platform in the synagogue from which the Torah is read and services led. On the other hand, a synagogue was nothing but a Town Hall in the olden days. Hence, very little is known of it with real certainty. Perhaps under the influence of the religions of the wider Western society, the rabbi is also seen as a clergyperson–not only a teacher, but a pastor, a preacher, a minister and an administrator supervising the myriad activities of the synagogue and meeting the immediate and long-term needs of congregants. It is the center of the Jewish religious community: a place of prayer, study and education, social and charitable work, as well as a social center. History.. --The word synagogue (sunagoge), which means a "congregation," is used in the New Testament to signify a recognized place of worship.A knowledge of the history and worship of the synagogues is of great importance, since they are the characteristic institution of … The "synagogue of Satan," then, is an assembly or congregation—a church—made up of the individuals who "say they are Jews, and are not. What is a Synagogue? Now, since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, a synagogue is the house of worship for the Jews. What to Wear.