Jesus (c. 4 BC – AD 30 / 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ, was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader. Anonymous. He read scripture in the temple, so he had to have been a Rabbi. But Jesus repudiated the rabbinical school and professional religious education. We're talking about the dark haired, dark skinned, Middle Eastern looking Jewish Rabbi, wearing a prayer shawl with tzitzits, teaching in the Temple and cleansing in the mikvah (pool of water) every time He goes in! He was called Rabbi, or Teacher, and preached in temples throughout Israel during His three-year ministry. However the reason why the Jews wanted Him dead is that he claimed to be the Son of God and equal to God. Jews can make the case -- as Kaufmann Kohler, one of the early champions of Reform Judaism, did -- that Jesus was a "helper of the poor" and a "sympathizing friend of the fallen." And we know that rabbinic Judaism grew out of the Pharisaic movement. John 3:2 this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." Jesus was a rabbi, but He was also so much more. In the gospels the disciples repeatedly refer to Jesus as 'Rabbi', which is an Aramaic word meaning 'teacher' or 'master'. Jesus was what we might call today a “lay preacher.” No credentials. Jesus' names and titles in the Bible range from 'Prince of Peace' to 'Immanuel' but to those who knew him best he was simply 'Rabbi'. The word Rabbi means teacher. Yeah, but he was also an apostate. Stated simply, the Jewish view of Jesus of Nazareth is that he was an ordinary Jewish man and, most likely, a preacher living during the Roman occupation of Israel in the 1st century C.E. Original Question: Was Jesus a rabbi or carpenter? It would therefore be misleading to think of Jesus as being a rabbi in the traditional Jewish sense of the word. Jesus is mentioned in 15 Suras and 93 verses; and while this is not trivial, Abraham is mentioned over 240 times, and Moses over 500 times. He didn't work 'in' the church, he worked outside of it. Rabbi "literally" means "My Great One" ("i" at the end of Rabbi means "my" - Introduction to Syriac - Page 19). While this makes Jesus one of a small group of teachers he was not the only one with authority. Before we look at Jesus the Rabbi, I want you to understand that Jesus of Nazareth was God made man. this man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “ Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Matthew 23:7-8 and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men. Not the blue eyed, blond hair, gentile looking Jesus! Study “Greeks study in order to comprehend; the Hebrews study in order to revere”, said Abraham Joshua Heschel. Jesus was called a Rabbi during a time in history when being a Rabbi really meant something. 7 2. Rabbi Hillel said, years before Jesus gave the Royal Commandments: What is hateful unto thee, do not do unto thy neighbor - this is the entire Torah; the rest is commentary. Jesus revealed Himself to be God the Son, and only by trusting in His death and resurrection can anyone have a relationship with God (John 8:58; Colossians 1:19–20). because of my research of the same story you’re exposing. The Bible also illustrates this in Matthew 23, when Jesus denounces the … ... Allen S. Maller was the rabbi of Temple Akiba in Culver City, California for 39 years, from 1967 to 2006. Certainly Jesus came to teach, He did so much of it. If Jesus was the rabbi, and those who learned of him were (are) his students / disciples; (Hebrew Talmidim) what does that mean for us? If a man was a "Rabbi" he was entitled to the choice seats in social gatherings and praises of the multitudes. He was an official Rabbi, in the religious sense. The Romans executed him—and many other nationalistic and religious Jews—for speaking out against the Roman authorities and their abuses. 1 decade ago. His story is foreshadowed and echoed throughout every page of the Bible. Note: I know there is plenty of evidence that Jesus as a person might not have existed. While it is true, Jesus is and was the greatest teacher “rabbi” that has ever taught and is our Master “Rabbi”, was he a “rabbi” in the traditional sense? No but the word means Teacher, literally "My Great One" in Hebrew and he was teaching.No. Rabbi's with s'mikhah would have a new interpretation or yoke. But he was considered a leader by his followers, so they called him ‘my master'. I find it very interesting the time period Jesus practiced his teachings. No ordination. Opa continues to explore these very important questions, assisting Will as she discovers the real story behind Jesus, girls, and Rabbis. Anonymous. Let me back up a minute. He was the son of a carpenter. Jesus was also a Rabbi. Thus Jesus may have been urging Hillelites to follow the example of their leader when he said, "Be not ye called Rabbi" (Matt. We must study Jesus and his teachings, but not just to accumulate knowledge. Jesus functioned in first century Israel as a man who was a Jewish Rabbi. The word ‘rabbi’ means ‘my master’. 1 decade ago. Rabbi also means teacher or an instructor. By referring to Jesus as ‘Rabbi’ it is a reminder of the path and example I am to follow to bring shalom. Jesus is the Son of God and the cornerstone of the Christians faith. A Rabbi is a teacher and Jesus was a teacher. 21:23-27). Was Jesus a “rabbi“? It seems to me that Paul translated the Gospel into ‘Christian’ beautifully as did the other letter writers but Jesus was speaking to Jews as a rabbi, not to Christians as a pastor. As one of my rabbi friends said, “If he was a rabbi, then he was a Pharisee.” The Pharisees gave birth to two great religions, Christianity and rabbinic Judaism, the only form of Judaism to emerge from the ancient world. Reply; says on March 12, 2020 . He lived during the time of semicha, and his responses are often Rabbinic in nature. Many people forget or choose to forget that he was a man of action, not a man of writing or of letters. He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited messiah (the Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament.. Was Jesus a Rabbi? Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi, a teacher of the Jewish faith. … This was called taking "the yoke of Torah" or "the yoke of the kingdom of heaven". In the gospels the disciples repeatedly refer to Jesus as 'Rabbi', which is an Aramaic word meaning 'teacher' or 'master'. Thanks for the update on Christianity.I am a Muslim convert. Jesus was often called Rabbi… Rabbis invited people to learn to keep the Torah. Recently, I have heard preachers and teachers try to prove the idea that Jesus Christ was a “rabbi” in the Jewish traditional sense. Well - no. Much of Christian theology that we consider orthodox is a modern and taught in the light of Christian tradition. 218). A person is either Jewish or not Jewish, and few actually believe that Paul was not. Jesus was questioned about his authority (Matt. He was respected for his knowledge of the Torah. Although Jesus fulfilled some of these roles, He does not fit the mold of a traditional Jewish rabbi, nor would He endorse some of the manmade traditions of Judaism that, in His words, make the Word of God void (see Mark 7:8-9). And so this begs the question, could Jesus have been a Rabbi who received semicha? No-one knows. No degrees. The root of Rabbi is Rabb means Great or Big (Book "Introduction to Syriac" by Thackston Pg. 1 decade ago. Jesus warned His disciples to avoid the social prestige, the public honours, and the praiseworthy titles that came with the title "Rabbi" (Matthew 23:5-8). David N. Bivin 1988Jun01 Articles 2 Comments. Judas framed Roger Rabbi, sorry, Jesus Rabbi. Yet, they called Him “Rabbi” because He surpassed every rabbi they had ever known. 23:8) rather than telling them to follow Shammai. 2 2. Jesus's embrace of the immigrant, the outsider, and others marginal in first-century Jewish life can also inspire Jews today. He said He came from Heaven to do His Father's will. Jesus' names and titles in the Bible range from 'Prince of Peace' to 'Immanuel' but to those who knew him best he was simply 'Rabbi'. 0 4. Aramaic word "Rabbi" has 2 meanings. Lv 5. So Jesus was a proven rabbi whose knowledge of scripture and law were widely accepted as authoritative. Christian authorities in Europe were largely unaware of possible references to Jesus in the Talmud until 1236, when a convert from Judaism, Nicholas Donin, laid thirty-five formal charges against the Talmud before Pope Gregory IX, and these charges were brought upon rabbi Yechiel of Paris to defend at the Disputation of Paris in 1240. Modern Jewish rabbis should follow the example of Nicodemus and seek out the truth about Jesus (John 3:1–21). Finally, we know that Jesus was called rabbi. The institution of ‘the rabbinate’ did not exist in the first century. By the time Jesus began his public ministry, he had not only received the thorough religious training typical of the average Jew of his day, he had probably spent years studying with an outstanding sage (or sages) in the Galilee. I do believe that Jesus was a rabbi and as such look to his teachings for answers and comfort. Daniel. Both are basically restating Leviticus 19:18 “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. Why hate Jews when Jesus was a Jew. If you want to understand Jesus and His teaching, you need to understand something of the Jewish Rabbis.