Offered: AWSp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 495, STAT 498 Special Topics (1-5, max. X . Close. Data summaries, multivariate data, time series, multiway tables. Uses C++ for several substantial scientific programming projects. Offered: jointly with BIOST 558/DATA 558; Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 558, STAT 559 Measure Theory (3)Measures: Caratheodory Extension Theorem. Prerequisite: SOC 504, SOC 505, SOC 506, or equivalent. 2008 § ASL 103 (5) UW 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) AUT Qtr. Followed by: expectation, variance, central limit theorem. AUT Qtr. 15)Offered: AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 499, STAT 502 Design and Analysis of Experiments (4)Design of experiments covering concepts such as randomization, blocking, and confounding. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. Prerequisite: either a minimum grade of 2.0 in MATH 394/STAT 394, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in STAT 340. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 560/SOC 560.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 560, STAT 561 Special Topics in Applied Statistics (1-5, max. Test Prep. Procedures for inference for these stochastic processes, including Likelihood methods and estimating equations. (UW NetID required.) Bayesian analysis with conjugate priors, hypothesis tests, the Neyman-Pearson Lemma. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. Nonparametric estimation of spectral density, cross-spectral density, and coherency for stationary time series, real and complex spectrum techniques. 15)Distribution-free inference, game and decision theory, advanced theory of estimation (including sequential estimation), robustness, advanced probability theory, stochastic processes or empirical processes. Prerequisite: STAT 506 or permission of instructor.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 547, STAT 548 Machine Learning for Big Data (4)Covers machine learning and statistical techniques for analyzing datasets of massive size and dimensionality. Methods include tools for exploratory analysis of high-dimensional data, statistical modeling approaches to parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, and nonparametric methods for classification and clustering. Rao-Blackwell theorem. Hands-on approach: weekly data analysis laboratory. Bayesian nonparametrics. Analyses of real data, to illustrate concepts. In order to use CodingBat, you have to write your answers in the form of a function body. Prerequisite: STAT 421 or STAT 423 or BIOST 515; and STAT 513; and a course in matrix algebra. Posted by 2 years ago. Statistical properties of wavelet signal extraction and smoothers. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 564.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 564, STAT 566 Causal Modeling (4)Construction of causal hypotheses. De huidige gegevens over de financiële markten voor Singapore, met inbegrip van belangrijke en sector indexen, toonaangevende aandelen, stijgers en dalers. Back to Department Related Courses. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 593, STAT 598 Techniques of Statistical Consulting (1)Seminar series covering technical and non-technical aspects of statistical consulting, including skills for effective communication with clients, report writing, statistical tips and rules of thumb, issues in survey sampling, and issues in working as a statistical consultant in academic, industrial, and private-practice settings. Techniques applied to social science data using computer statistical packages. U kunt voor uw veegmachine ook een opvangbak, sneeuwschuif en/ of … The lod score method. Students will gain hands-on experience through computing labs. Covers, probability densities, transformations, moment generating functions, conditional expectation. Measurable functions: Riesz Theorem, Slutsky Theorem. Machine learning . Maximum likelihood estimators and likelihood ratio tests, efficiency. … Methods of mapping and characterizing quantitative trait loci. hide. Prerequisite: either STAT 311 or STAT 390/MATH 390. Markov and Chebyshev's inequality. Prerequisite: STAT 513.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 519, STAT 520 Spectral Analysis of Time Series (4)Estimation of spectral densities for single and multiple time series. Prerequisite: STAT 581. Prerequisite: either STAT 342 or STAT 421. Offered: jointly with MATH 523; Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 523, STAT 524 Design of Medical Studies (3)Design of medical studies, with emphasis on randomized controlled clinical trials. Homework 3 will involve you manipulating image data. Exploratory data analysis and interactive computing. Ze zijn ideaal te gebruiken op asvalt, beton of straatstenen. BIOL 201, 202, 203 (5, 5, 5) if all three courses taken; otherwise, § BIOL 115 (5) see also BIOL 111 combined, § BIOL 116 (5) see also BIOL 111 combined. Multiresolution analysis. Prerequisite: SOC 504, SOC 505, SOC 506 or equivalent. Limited credit within specified disciplines. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 518, STAT 519 Time Series Analysis (3)Descriptive techniques. Offered: jointly with BIOST 529/CS&SS 529.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 529, STAT 530 Wavelets: Data Analysis, Algorithms, and Theory (3)Review of spectral analysis. CSE416 / STAT 416 – Introduction to Machine Learning (4 credits); Prerequisites: (CSE 143 or CSE 160) and (STAT 311 or STAT 390). 2000 thru SPR Qtr. Examines experimental designs, including crossed, nested designs; block; split-plot designs; and covariance analysis. Offered: AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 599, STAT 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Coordinator. Prerequisite: either STAT 220, STAT 221/CS&SS 221/SOC 221, STAT 290, MATH 120, MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126, MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136, Q SCI 190, or QMETH 201. Offered: A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 502, STAT 503 Practical Methods for Data Analysis (4)Basic exploratory data analysis with business examples. Basic concepts of estimation, testing, and confidence intervals. 1982, AUT Qtr. Estimation of wavelet variance. 2002, ENGR 231 (3) for either course, 1XX (2-5). Offered: A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 340, STAT 341 Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics II (4) NWBrief review of: sample spaces, random variables, probability. Offered: W.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 517, STAT 518 Stochastic Modeling Project (3)Student in-depth analyses, oral presentations, and discussion of selected research articles focusing on stochastic modeling of, and inference for, scientific data. アドウイクスは電設資材・配線用器具の激安通販ショップです。漏電ブレーカーや照明ソケット、ledライト、結束バンド、配線管、制御機器などを豊富な品揃えです。 Focuses on using programming to prepare, explore, analyze, and present data that arise in social science research. Prerequisite: either STAT 502 and STAT 504 or BIOST 514 and BIOST 515. Covers the basics of unconstrained and constrained convex optimization, basics of clustering and classification, entropy, KL divergence and exponential family models, duality, modern learning algorithms like boosting, support vector machines, and variational approximations in inference. Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Coordinator. Uploaded By bestalan199799. Prerequisite: some advanced calculus and linear algebra.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 506, STAT 509 Econometrics I: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4)Examines methods, tools, and theory of mathematical statistics. 1998, and AUT Qtr. Affected sib method. Offered: jointly with CSE 416. Offered: jointly with Q SCI 486; W, even years.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 486, STAT 491 Introduction to Stochastic Processes (3) NWRandom walks, Markov chains, branching processes, Poisson process, point processes, birth and death processes, queuing theory, stationary processes. Prerequisite: either STAT 342, STAT 390, STAT 509/CS&SS 509/ECON 580, or IND E 315. Fourier analysis of distributions, central limit problem and infinitely divisible laws, conditional expectations, martingales. Aliasing, prewhitening. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. Computation of discrete wavelet transform. Offered: A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 421, STAT 423 Applied Regression and Analysis of Variance (4) NWLeast squares; Simple/multiple linear regression including interpretation; Variable selection; Analysis of covariance; Assumptions and diagnostics/remedies; Weighting and generalized least squares; Hypothesis testing. Likelihood principle. CSE 160 entails a signfifcant programming workload and you should be comfortable programming in C or C++. Offered: jointly with MATH 492.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 492, STAT 495 Service Learning: K-12 Tutoring Experience (1-5, max. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 320/SOC 320.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 320, STAT 321 Data Science and Statistics for Social Sciences I (5) I&S, QSRIntroduction to applied data analysis for social scientists. 12)Consulting experience in data analysis, applied statistics. Sequential experiments. How extensively is python used in it? Offered: jointly with QMETH 503.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 503, STAT 504 Applied Regression (4)Least squares estimation. STAT 435 . Prerequisite: BIOST 571/STAT 571. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either STAT 395/MATH 395, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in STAT 340 and STAT 341. Numerous applications have been developed or proposed, with official government support in some territories and jurisdictions. Offered: jointly with BIOST 550; Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 550, STAT 551 Statistical Genetics II: Quantitative Traits (3)Statistical basis for describing variation in quantitative traits. Introduction: ... (CSE 143 or CSE 160) and (STAT 311 or STAT 390) Machine learning . This thread is archived. Offered: jointly with BIOST 598; ASp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 598, STAT 599 Statistical Consulting (*, max. Offered: jointly with BIOST 527; Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 527, STAT 528 Applied Statistics Capstone (3)Covers technical and non-technical aspects of applied statistics work, building on methods taught in prerequisite courses. Offered: W.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 441, STAT 480 Sampling Theory for Biologists (3) NW J. SkalskiTheory and applications of sampling finite populations including: simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, ratio estimates, regression estimates, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, sample size determinations, applications in fisheries and forestry. Green River College Equivalency Guide. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 566.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 566, STAT 567 Statistical Analysis of Social Networks (4)Statistical and mathematical descriptions of social networks. 1988 thru, ENGL 250 (5) for either course, 2XX (5-10), ENGL 239 (3) formerly ENGL 154 same as ART, ENGL& 244, 245 (5,5) formerly ENGL 221,222, § ENV S 125 (5) same as BIOL 215 and N SCI 125. Prerequisite: CS&SS 321/SOC 321/STAT 321, or permission of instructor. (UW NetID required.) Offered: AWSp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 590, STAT 591 Special Topics in Statistics (1-5, max. Credit/no-credit only. Theory of continuous and discrete wavelets. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. Decision theory. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 391, STAT 394 Probability I (3) NWAxiomatic definitions of probability; random variables; conditional probability and Bayes' theorem; expectations and variance; named distributions: binomial, geometric, Poisson, uniform (discrete and continuous), normal and exponential; normal and Poisson approximations to binomial. Departmentally approved transfer equivalents may be used to substitute for prerequisite courses. Direct questions about CSE 491 to Data Science Advising at Topics covered include subjective notion of probability, Bayes' Theorem, prior and posterior distributions, and data analysis techniques for statistical models. Kom gerust langs en praat mee! Prerequisite: STAT/BIOST/DATA 557, or permission of instructor. All of them, except for computer engineering, require the following set of common placement requirements: Engineering First-Year Interest Group (ENGR 101) English composition; MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126 (or MATH 134, MATH 135, MATH 136) CHEM … The July 1 deadline is designed for students who have just completed their first year at UW. Practical implementation and visualization in data analysis. CSE 160 designed with non-CSE majors in mind. BIOL 180, 200, 220 (5, 5, 5), 2XX (3) if all three courses taken; § BIOL 201 (6) see also BIOL 201 combined, BIOL& 211, 212, 213 (6, 6, 6) formerly BIOL. Students will learn to program in Python, an easy-to-use programming language that is widely used in the sciences and other data-driven fields. Graphical and tabular presentation of results. Interpretation of regression coefficients. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in either CSE 160, CSE 142, or CSE 143. Prerequisite: STAT 311/ECON 311; either MATH 136 or MATH 126 with either MATH 308 or MATH 309. 15) NWReading and lecture course intended for special needs of students.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 498, STAT 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. Fourier analysis of distributions, central limit problem and infinitely divisible laws, conditional expectations, martingales. Offered: jointly with E E 520.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 520, STAT 521 Advanced Probability (3)Measure theory and integration, independence, laws of large numbers. Netherlands stamp catalogue. Elk met hun eigen stijl, voorkeur en soms zelfs met wat exclusieve, interactieve content. Offered: jointly with MATH 521; A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 521, STAT 522 Advanced Probability (3)Measure theory and integration, independence, laws of large numbers. Offered: jointly with BIOST 578; AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 578, STAT 579 Data Analysis and Reporting (2/3, max. Offered: W.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 582, STAT 583 Advanced Theory of Statistical Inference (3)Limit theorems, asymptotic methods, asymptotic efficiency and efficiency bounds for estimation, maximum likelihood estimation, Bayes methods, asymptotics via derivatives of functionals, sample-based estimates of variability: (bootstrap and jackknife); robustness; estimation for dependent data, nonparametric estimation and testing. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 509/ECON 580.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 509, STAT 512 Statistical Inference (4)Review of random variables; transformations, conditional expectation, moment generating functions, convergence, limit theorems, estimation; Cramer-Rao lower bound, maximum likelihood estimation, sufficiency, ancillarity, completeness. 1. CSE 160: Data Programming; CSE 163: Intermediate Data Programming ; CSE 180: Introduction to Data Science; CSE 190: Current Topics in CSE: new or experimental courses that cover topics in computer science of contemporary relevance, with an emphasis on subjects not covered at length in our introductory series. Offered: AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 220, STAT 221 Statistical Concepts and Methods for the Social Sciences (5) NW, QSRDevelops statistical literacy. AUT Qtr. Ascertainment. Limit theory for posterior distributions. Common data-analytic problems. Introduction to Python and programming Ruth Anderson UW CSE 160 Winter 2020 1. Search course descriptions with Google Custom Search. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Contingency tables, confidence intervals, invariance. Buy and sell stamps from Netherlands. Contexts for causal inference: randomized experiments; sequential randomization; partial compliance; natural experiments, passive observation. San-Marino stamp catalogue. Prerequisite: experience with programming in a high level language. Maximum likelihood estimators and likelihood ratio tests, efficiency. Different types cannot be compared 2. To graduate, students in the HCDE bachelor's program must complete 180 credits of the following: General Education Courses (88 credits) Core & Elective Courses (83-87 credits) Free Electives (as needed to complete 180 total credits) Students are encouraged to use UW's MyPlan to plan their schedule. Offered: jointly with BIOST 406/HIHIM 425.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 406, STAT 416 Introduction to Machine Learning (4) NWProvides practical introduction to machines learning. 5)Tutoring mathematics in local K-12 schools. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. Offered: jointly with BIOST 570; A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 570, STAT 571 Advanced Regression Methods for Dependent Data (3)Covers longitudinal data models, generalized linear and non-linear mixed models; marginal versus conditional models; generalized estimating equations, likelihood-based inference, REML, BLUP, and computation of integrals; Bayesian inference: Markov chain Monte Carlo; covariance models, including models for split plot designs; comparison of approaches; and diagnostics. A variable is a container 4. Student required to provide consulting services to students and faculty three hours per week. Fourier analysis of distributions, central limit problem and infinitely divisible laws, conditional expectations, martingales. The grading's punitive--the typical air-tight colosseum stuff one would expect from the CSE department. Image data is often represented as a "grid of pixels". Emphasizes social science examples and cases. HSTAA 101 (5), 2XX (10) if all three courses taken; otherwise, § HUMAN 115, 116, 117 (5, 5, 5) same as N, JOURN 100.1, 100.2, 100.3 (1-5 each) series, JOURN 100.2 (1-5) see JOURN 100.1 combined, JOURN 100.3 (1-5) see JOURN 100.1 combined, MATH 098 [0 credit allowed] if both courses. Prerequisite: either STAT 342 or STAT 396. Other topics include sampling plant and animal populations, sampling distributions, estimation of parameters and statistical treatment of data. 0. 2004, and prior to AUT Qtr. Prerequisite: course in statistics, SOC 504, SOC 505, SOC 506, or equivalent. 2009, and prior to AUT Qtr. Prerequisite: STAT/BIOST/DATA 556 or instructor's permission. Helps students gain an understanding of the rationale behind many statistical methods, as well as an appreciation of the use and misuse of statistics. CHEM 237, 238, 241 (4, 4, 3), 2XX (1) if both courses taken; § CHEM 235 (6) see also CHEM 235 combined, § CHEM 236 (6) see also CHEM 235 combined, § CHEM 237 (6) see also CHEM 235 combined, CHEM& 261, 262, 263 (6, 6, 6) formerly CHEM, CHEM& 261, 262 (6, 6) formerly CHEM 235, 236, CHIN 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission, CHIN 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency, C LIT 272 if 5 credits taken, otherwise C LIT 2XX, AUT Qtr. Suggested First- and Second-Year Courses: English composition; ATM S 220; MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 126; PHYS 121, PHYS 122, PHYS 123; CSE 142 or CSE 160. Empirical Bayes methods. Offered: AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 800. Each student who accepts admission into the Allen School's Computer Science and Computer Engineering degree programs agrees to the provisions of our Satisfactory Progress Policy. Interaction Programming (CSE 340) The material taught in this class was inspired by many others, who have generously shared slides and syllabi with me. Prerequisite: either MATH 426 or MATH 576. ACCT& 201, 202 (5, 5) formerly B A 210, 220. Linear models for dependence analysis (multivariate regression, MANOVA, and discriminant analysis) and for interdependence analysis (principal components and factor analysis). Model equivalence and causal under-determination. Any lower-division atmospheric sciences courses except ATM S 220 count as electives and not as part of the major. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 563/SOC 563; Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 563, STAT 564 Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences (4)Statistical methods based on the idea of probability as a measure of uncertainty. A program is a recipe 3. This is the data structure we will use inside of our program to represent an image. Population genetics; Hardy-Weinberg, allelic variation, subdivision. 2000, and prior to AUT Qtr. Prerequisite: either MATH 424 and MATH 425, or MATH 574 and MATH 575. Prerequisites: minimum grade of 2.0 in either CSE 142, CSE 143, or CSE 160. Prerequisite: B A 500 or QMETH 500 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Evaluates "facts and findings" by understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the methods that produce them. Topics may include supervised versus unsupervised learning; cross-validation; the bias-variance trade-off; regression and classification; regularization and shrinkage approaches; non-linear approaches; tree-based methods; and support vector machines. report . Offered: jointly with BIOST 576.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 576, STAT 578 Special Topics in Advanced Biostatistics (*, max. Offered: jointly with IND E 316; W.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 316, STAT 320 Evaluating Social Science Evidence (5) I&S, QSRA critical introduction to the methods used to collect data in social science: surveys, archival research, experiments, and participant observation. 2004, and prior to AUT Qtr. X . May only receive credit for one of STAT 220, or STAT 221/CS&SS 221/SOC 221, or STAT 290. 2008 § ASL 102 (5) UW 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) AUT Qtr. View course details in MyPlan: STAT 416 Examines objectives & pitfalls of statistical studies; study designs, data analysis, inference; graphical & numerical summaries of numerical &categorical data; correlation and regression; estimation, confidence intervals, & significance tests. 2004, SUM Qtr. This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 10 pages. Thanks in advance! 160 is like an intro to programming in … Prerequisite: college-level coursework in Fourier theory and linear algebra; and either STAT 390/MATH 390, STAT 509/CS&SS 509/ECON 580, STAT 513, or IND E 315. Offered: jointly with BIOST 551; A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 551, STAT 552 Statistical Genetics III: Design and Analysis (3)Overview of probability models, inheritance models, penetrance. Credit allowed for STAT 403 or STAT 503 but not both. Prerequisite: entry code. View from CSE 160 at University of Washington, Seattle. Meiosis and recombination. CSE 160: Data Programming Introduction to computer programming. INFO 200*; either CSE 142, CSE 143, CSE 154, CSE 160, CSE 163, INFO 180/STAT 180/CSE 180, or INFO 201; either STAT 221, STAT 311, STAT 390, or QMETH 201; one English composition course from the list on the iSchool website, with a minimum 2.0 grade in each course. Offered: jointly with MATH 522; W.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 522, STAT 523 Advanced Probability (3)Measure theory and integration, independence, laws of large numbers. Followed by: expectation, variance, central limit theorem. CSE 160. Lectures intermixed with programming and lab sessions. Auburn Washington 98092-3699. Graduate standing in statistics or biostatistics. 1996, and prior to AUT Qtr. Offered: jointly with BIOST 571; W.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 571, STAT 572 Preparation for Research Prelim (3)Student presentations and discussion on selected methodological research articles focusing on regression modeling. 12893 a 4 mwf 330-420 * * thompson,robert haven open 163/ 168 ===== note: cse 160 cannot be taken for credit if student has received credit for cse 143. For details, click the (LC) link within individual equivalency entries. 2006 thru SPR, AUT Qtr. Prerequisite: STAT 512 and STAT 513;BIOST/STAT 533 or STAT 421/STAT 502 and STAT 423/STAT 504; a course in matrix algebra. ===== offered via remote learning Offered: AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 390, STAT 391 Quantitative Introductory Statistics for Data Science (4)The basic concepts of statistics, machine learning and data science, as well as their computational aspects. BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1) B STR 301 (4) if both courses taken; CHEM 152, 162 (5, 5), 1XX (2) if both courses taken; otherwise. These are not full assignments, but small coding exercises that will prepare you for Homework 2. You could take any of these now! They will be due on 1/19 and 1/20 respectively. Offered: jointly with BIOST 572; Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 572, STAT 576 Statistical Methods for Survival Data (3)Statistical methods for censored survival data arising from follow-up studies on human or animal populations. Emphasizes the algorithmic and computational aspects of these models. Hungry Hungry Huskypotimus 2 years ago. Offered: AWSp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 180, STAT 220 Statistical Reasoning (5) NW, QSRIntroduces statistical reasoning. Prerequisite: either CSE 142, CSE 143, or CSE 160. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 583, STAT 590 Statistics Seminar (*, max. For UW students admitted as freshmen to majors other than Engineering Undeclared, and transfer students. Offered: AWSpS.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 600, STAT 700 Master's Thesis (*-)Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Coordinator. Robust time series analysis. Assumption violations: outliers, residuals, robust regression; nonlinearity, transformations, ACE, CART; nonconstant variance. Offered: jointly with BIOST 556/DATA 556; A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 556, STAT 557 Applied Statistics and Experimental Design (5)Inferential statistical methods for discrete and continuous random variables including tests for difference in means and proportions; linear and logistic regression; causation versus correlation; confounding; resampling methods; study design. ... MSE 477 - Data Science and Materials Informatics (3 credits); Prerequisite: CSE 160 or CSE 163 MSE 478 - Materials and Device Modeling (3 credits); Prerequisite: MSE/CHEM 441; ARCHY 494 - Archaeological Data Visualization (5 credits); No prerequisites. Also covers multiple comparisons, efficiency, power, sample size, and pseudo-replication. Prerequisite: STAT 535; STAT 538; computer programming at intermediate level. Offered: A.View course details in MyPlan: STAT 512, STAT 513 Statistical Inference (4)Review of random variables; transformations, conditional expectation, moment generating functions, convergence, limit theorems, estimation; Cramer-Rao lower bound, maximum likelihood estimation, sufficiency, ancillarity, completeness.