Go back to your books... and your armchair... plant your trees, watch them grow. Did they all come? [Thorin holds up the mithril shirt - the same one Bilbo gave Frodo in Fellowship of the Ring], [Bilbo takes it and slips it on over his shirt]. Thorin Oakenshield: Fili, don't be a fool. Best Quotes (Total Quotes: 41) [first lines] Thor: [voice over] Now, I know what you’re thinking. It is far more than any Baggins deserves! Hold on. Gandalf: We've been blind, and in our blindness, our enemy has returned. Thorin Oakenshield: Well done, Master Burglar! That's why I came back, 'cause you don't have one. It was nobly done. Thranduil: You have my word, one King to another. Thorin Oakenshield: He's been lost ever since he left his home. Dwalin: You sit here in these vast halls with a crown upon your head, and yet you are lesser now than you have ever been. Master of Laketown: I say unto you... welcome! If anyone should find the Arkenstone and withhold it from me, I will be avenged. Thorin... don't you dare! We kill the dragon. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Bard: [after a short pause] What of your conscience? May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves in defense of this home. Gandalf: It is Black Speech. I am betrayed! Thrain: Azog means to kill us all! Part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlMjS-0OfdgNext Scene: Death of Thorin - https://www.youtube.com/watch... About Press Copyright Contact us … Balin: [sees a chamber full of dead dwarves, with their only means of escape blocked] The last of our kin. Hardly the stuff of legend. Browse through and take thorins death tests. Thorin Oakenshield: Axe or sword, what's your weapon of choice? Fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times. This is dwarf gold! Thranduil: I will let you go if you but return what is mine. Bilbo Baggins: It... it's no trick. The Arkenstone is in this mountain! Kili: I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight OUR BATTLES FOR US! This was demonstrated when he participated in the Battle of Azanulbizar in TA 2799. Balin: Yes! You witless worm! And ours alone. The Eagles. Merchants, miners, tinkerers, toy-makers. Bard: On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. I am glad to have shared in your perils, Thorin. Gandalf: I was not at the Battle of Moria... [flashback to the Battle of Moria; Thorin sees Azog decapitate King Thror and throw his head to the ground]. I want to know - why did you come back? . You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over! Throughout the film, Thorin expresses his disinterested in having Bilbo as a companion and doubts the hobbit's abilities and status as a burglar. Thorin Oakenshield: [voice-over] My father led a charge towards the Dimrill Gate. Thorin Oakenshield: [He holds up the key Gandalf has given him] From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me. Thorin Oakenshield: I'm taking back what you stole. Yes, I'm afraid! It was taken from you. By Colin McCormick Published Jul 17, 2020. [leans closer to Bilbo, lowering his voice even more]. Thorin Oakenshield: But the treasure in this mountain does not belong to the people of Laketown. Gloin: [Reading the Dwarvish writing in the stone] Herein lies the 7th kingdom of Durin's folk. 2021. Balin: We all want to see the Arkenstone returned. Balin was likely born in the Lonely Mountain before the coming of the dragon Smaug. Web. He didn’t know much about Earth customs at the time, and his fish out of water actions were quite funny. Lead him to the forges. Around his neck he wore a golden chain, upon which he attached his grandfather's key. Not for me. You did what only a true friend would do. No. [All the dwarves yell as Bilbo pulls the lever opening the trap door, spilling the barrels into the river]. Thorin Oakenshield: [after putting in the key and opening the door] Erebor. The Lord of the Rings No! When Bilbo finds him on his deathbed, Thorin asks forgiveness for his rash anger towards Bilbo. Thorin Oakenshield: I imagine they regretted that. They have much to be grateful for. Balin: What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Dwarves: [singing] The pines were roaring on the height / The winds were moaning in the night / The fire was red, it flame spread / The trees like torches blazed with light... Balin: [after overhearing Bilbo tell Gandalf he will not join the Dwarves on their journey] It appears we have lost our burglar. Remember everything that happened: the good, the bad... and how lucky I am that I made it home. It is not in my blood, Thorin. You call that a fair trade? All men must die, but for every man his death is an accident, and even if he knows it he would sense to it an unjustifiable violation.' Gandalf: [talking inside The Prancing Pony] I ran into some unsavory characters whilst traveling along the Greenway. Thorin Oakenshield: Where did you go, if I may ask? A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives. It is a trick! The Eagles. And in return you brought upon them only ruin and death. You belong with the Company. He would not listen... You are just like him. Thorin Oakenshield: This vest is made of silver steel. Does it not tell you our cause is just? We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. [cradles Thorin, who has already died] Thorin... hold on. Forgive me. It is a ruse. Tell me, Bard the dragon slayer, why should I honor such terms? You nearly got yourself killed! Gandalf: One of them was carrying a message. Air Elves in their wondrous flying machines. Not one piece of it. I'm patient! Thorin Oakenshield: I speak to the Master of the men of the Lake. Thorin Oakenshield: This is not your kingdom! Sea Elves in their coral castles along the Hummingbird Bay.Triple-jointed Pleasure Elves. It’s a long story, but basically, I’m a bit of a hero. I am so sorry... that I led you into such peril. Thorin Oakenshield: Aye, envoys from all seven kingdoms. My people offered you help. Balin: Do you doubt the loyalty of any of us? Mordor Fun Run Middle-earth Map Wall Art - Canvas Tree of Gondor Mask. This stone. I am your King! Together they form the Light Elves. Thorin Oakenshield: Azog the Defiler is no more. They must have come here hoping beyond hope. The Eagles are here. The blade would glow blue should Orcs approach, and they could thus not take the Mountain by surprise. I gave it to them. [Both Bilbo and Thorin glance back towards the armory]. One hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an elf! I instilled terror in the hearts of men. Chambers filled with golden light. Bilbo Baggins: No, no they won't, I promise you. Bard the Bowman: You put upon them only ruins, and death. ...to see Bard. Share Share Tweet Email. You lack all honor! Welcome and thrice welcome, King under the Mountain! "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Quotes." Quote 22: "'My armor is like tenfold shields, my teeth are swords, my claws spears, the shock of my tail a thunderbolt, my wings a hurricane and my breath death.'" Dwalin: We have searched and searched everywhere. Follow Us! Comment. [Shoves BIlbo, none too kindly, further down the tunnel, out of earshot]. Thorin Oakenshield: [on his father, Thrain] You're like the others. Thorin Oakenshield: This gold is ours. I've never been so wrong in all my life. Thorin Oakenshield: [From trailer] Everything I did, I did for them. Gandalf: Which is why we are going to need... a burglar. These are dwarf lands. While in exile, he quickly grew to become a capable warrior. Thorin Oakenshield: I know these walls. “This won’t do at all!” said Thorin. We are sons of Durin. And we will have our revenge! Thorin... don't you dare! Thorin Oakenshield: This was your plan all along - to seek refuge with our enemy? 0. We will see it done. Thorin Oakenshield: True friends are hard to come by. After all, what are we? Bilbo Baggins: [proudly] Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know. facebook. He had one son, Thorin, born in T.A. A promise of payment. I'm not a hero, or a warrior... Thorin Oakenshield: Out of the frying pan... Gandalf: Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea. 13 Mar. But you cannot see what you have become. But by my life, he shall not take my son! A home. “Oh, no! [Bilbo offers a small smile. Bilbo Baggins: [startled] It-it's nothing. We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help, but you turned your back. Thorin Oakenshield: I would not trust Thranduil, the great King, to honor his word should the end of all days be upon us! Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin Email. You've won the mountain. These halls. Thorin had a white beard and wore a sky-blue hood with a long silver tassel. You did what only a true friend would do. “The Eleven king looked sternly upon Thorin, when he was brought before him, and asked him many questions. Thorin Oakenshield: If he's not here, we leave him behind. But a treasure such as this cannot be counted in lives lost. Thorin Oakenshield: Here! Though Thor was one of the most significant heroes in the MCU, his solo films had failed to inspire much love. Might last a few days. The Thorin I know would not hesitate... Thorin Oakenshield: I will not risk this quest for the life of one burglar. Thorin’s Death Speech Misses the Point In the film The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies, Thorin is mortally wounded after a fierce battle with the goblin Azog. Thorin Oakenshield: I would take back my words and my deeds at the Gate. The odds were always against us. Having reclaimed Erebor and vast treasure from the dragon Smaug, Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) sacrifices friendship and honor in seeking the Arkenstone, despite Smaug's fiery wrath and desperate attempts by the Hobbit Bilbo (Martin Freeman)…, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, More The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies quotes », The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies's quote. If we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me. [Thrain charges into the orks' ranks with his bodyguard, and Thorin loses sight of him]. I often think of Bag End. The stone is real. Thorin Oakenshield: You! We can risk no more delays. [after Thorin orders Kili left behind, Fili steps off the boat]. The Eagles. Bard: That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms. Thorin Oakenshield: When did the men of Laketown come to our aid what for the promise of rich reward? Thorin Oakenshield: It is the King's Jewel. You've done honorably by our people. Thorin Oakenshield: I have been blind... but now I begin to see. Bilbo Baggins: [laughing slightly at how he looks] I look absurd! Thorin Oakenshield: No, I will fight with you! Do you remember it Balin? Thorin appears to be strongly defined by his sense of entitlement: He is a proud leader from a family of nobility on a quest to reclaim his stolen inheritance. He had a younger brother named Dwalin, and was amongst those driven from their homes when Smaug attacked the Lonely Mountain. Well, you may agree with the words or not, but those are the key spring of The Lord Of The Rings” Thorin; Gollum; Smaug; Further Study. Each and every one of them. Loyalty. This means that the deaths of Thorin, Fili, and Kili are quite tragic to Bilbo. Thorin Oakenshield: One of them is false. Look. The Death of Thorin Oakenshield – Darrell Sweet ← Previous Image Next Image → For Fans of Tolkien. Thorin Oakenshield: You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this; If we succeed, all will share in the wealth of the mountain. Thorin first appears in Bag End, where he is introduced to Bilbo Baggins by Gandalf the Grey. Look. Thorin Oakenshield: [singing] Far over the misty mountains cold / To dungeons deep and caverns old / We must away at break of day / to find our long forgotten gold. I can ask no more than that. Thorin Oakenshield: Your threats do not sway me. Is that not enough? Thorin Oakenshield: The Arkenstone is half a world away, at the foot of a fire-breathing dragon! Context; Full Book Quiz; Section Quizzes; Context; Plot Overview; Character List; Analysis of Major Characters; Themes, Motifs & Symbols; Chapter 1; Chapters 2-3 ; Chapters 4-5; Chapters 6-7; Chapters 8-9; Chapters 10-11; Chapters 12-13; Chapters 14-15; Chapters 16-17; Chapters 18-19; Study Questions; Suggestions for Further Reading; Writing Help. Thorin! There is no choice Balin. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together! Please, please, you must trust me. Bilbo Baggins: [Observing the carving] And what's that, above it?