I'd never done either of those things in this language before, so I did it basically like this: Select some stuff from the DB and print it out (I'm familiar with DBs, so that part was easy, but figuring out how to print the results took a little tinkering). Basically, don’t try to write it all in one shot and slam into all of your errors at once. They’re only worth 15% of our grade but part of me feels like I’m the only one who’s actually struggling this much in the class. I’m a retired professor of both computer science and mathematics; I started doing computer science in the early 60’s when it was just beginning to be thought of in academia. One day, I was sitting in front of my computer screen, staring at what seemed like endless blocks of code, and I started feeling that anxious feeling again. I think not knowing how to solve the problem in front of you is completely normal. For instance. I can understand what you are saying but for me it wasn't a big issue because I never had any social life. I'm not doing it that badly, I even do it better than some people. Long story short you need to help your self and use every resource possible. Basically I'm graduating with a Computer Science degree but I don't feel like I've learned how to program. Also gave me the opportunity to work on real world problems. This is to weed out people who do not belong to the major. I have previously taken this course earlier but I dropped to a lower level and I got a 66 for a average. By all means, seek out the joy in the craft, and reach out to your instructor and the community with specific questions you may have. Since java is your problem, I suggest the excellent book "Head First Java". Print it out. I always end up submitting the project many days late. Hey there! Do you see where I am going with this? The labs aren’t interactive which I’m not a big fan of. I recently wrote a script that reads a list of IDs from a database, and then fires them one by one to a service called RabbitMQ. I feel for you brother, I just started my journey in programming, but I have one thing to say, friend. First just make a print statement in your main to make sure your program can compile. Before joining the University of Minnesota, Keefe did post-doctoral work at Brown University jointly with the departments of Computer Science and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and with the Rhode Island School of Design. 285276, C++ Mar 2021. ". My experience so far. As hard as it may be, don't get discouraged. Programming 2 and Discrete structures are also the biggest weed our classes at my school for CS and Calc 2 is a weed out class for engineering in general and all of theses classes should usually be taken the first semester of sophomore year, not junior year. I don't know if these tips will help you, but they sure as shit helped me: Make programming a hobby, not just something you do in your free time or for school. I am going to graduate in 5 and 1/2 years due to changing majors from CS to business and back to CS but who cares. Computer Science Homework Helpers is a group of elite experts ready to do your computer science homework for you at an affordable rate irrespective of how complex it is. Don’t feel bad if a class expects you to get it in one week. More and more people are learning computer science and turning their knowledge into a lucrative career in fields like business, health care, engineering, and many others. A Computer Science 50 course at Harvard in 2013. share. You can do it man just stay the course. I read stack overflow religiously. It turns out, I was just in a programming slump. Any advice and help will be appreciated, thanks! https://stackoverflow.com/. I've been really dependent on my teacher on asking for help to where my teacher doesn't want to help me no more since I am getting stuck 99% of the time nowadays which sucks, I have spoken to my previous CS teacher and he said that at this rate I will not get into the college I want to be in and secure that programming job. got me back to a blank slate. Recipe for failure. There will be days when you can't get projects done on time, and you feel like the worst person in the class but don't sweat it. When I finally got on track with core CS classes. Posted by 15 days ago. Maybe see if there is a free internship you can take up? Is there any specific questions or concepts I or someone else could try to help you with? Convenience and accuracy. Sort by. I have other responsibilities as well such as a part time job, focusing on graduating, projects, assignments, tests etc. Keep hammering away and you WILL make breakthroughs. Don't be ashamed to, lot's of professionals do. Remember that learning is a marathon, and schools pretend its a sprint. Don't beat yourself over it, errors are normal and you'll get used to them. Whether you are looking for help with simple paper or complex computer science paper, we are the right team for you. Otherwise just come to terms with it and switch majors. This time I make every friend I possibly can. Computers are the brains of every technological gadget, from fitness trackers and watches to thermostats and automobile control units. Its like that stuff comes later because the important part is how to lay it all out. You need to learn the code on your own. I spend 90% of the time bug hunting. I can keep up during lectures and I follow along perfectly but as soon as it’s time to do a lab I have no idea what to do. But you'll gradually learn how to get answers by searching Google rather than asking an expert. In addition to his work in computer science, Keefe is also an accomplished artist and has published and exhibited work in top international venues for digital art. My advice is to keep calm. At my job, I apply the computer programming knowledge that I gained from UMGC. The short of it is, this one course is in no way indicative of the developer you have the potential of becoming. I want to share some words of encouragement. Work with friends on every lab. If it's something your super stuck on, look up it. I have previously taken this course earlier but I dropped to a lower level and I got a 66 for a average. It's getting to the point to where I am asking myself "Should I really pursue this?" You need to build your program step buy step and test it as you go along. Close. We used a different language and now since I am back in Java I find it challenging to the point where I am struggling. I've somehow managed to pass Linear Algebra with 46/100 during the first semester (no knowledge retained whatsoever), and with summer exams coming up I'm having a lot of trouble with Calculus 1/2 classes. There's a lot of good advice here already, so I won't repeat it. Struggling as an Engineering Student? For beginners it is hard to grasp how to start writing a program. That makes it even better somehow. I knew I could be a goddamned programmer. I heard the first three semesters they try to weed people out so I was hoping I could get advice on here. I am a CS grad and had a lot of the same troubles you are having now... it does get easier, but you have to take care of yourself. I also skimmed through YouTube for better explanation or different perspectives. You have your Main.cpp, Transactions.cpp, and people.cpp. I think you said your father was a programmer? He helped exponentially. We are the most affordable yet professional computer science homework service online. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the computerscience community, Press J to jump to the feed. It was a bit intimidating but not super tough. I really really want to get into a good college since I am currently attending my final year of HS. For instance, if I’m creating a new class, I’ll just add the file and name it, then run it to see if anything is broken. Your story really helps to see the bigger picture instead of just focusing on how I’m feeling this exact moment. I know, this is kind of like saying "Oh, you're sad? Fill in one method at a time with the right logic and test. The first year of college I didn’t do too well and was over whelmed with my class schedule but I seemed to get by with C’s/B’s but felt like I wasn’t “learning” and only surviving these classes. People will help you on it. Part of me wants to get out this way I have more time for a social life and less stress but the other part of me wants to continue because I really feel like this is something I could love to do. I'm sure you've heard of this or use it. Im having my own problems compiling an engine and I hope you stay up brah. take a breath, clean up some debug messages that I didn't need any longer. They should have found your stopping point and helped you get over it. Yet, right now, from my position as a sophomore who just barely made it through her third semester as a computer science major, the struggles of learning code seem to outweigh the benefits of knowing it (Yeah, I know, it'll all be worth it some day). I ask questions in class. This is a lot like how coding works. To all those who are struggling with computer programming or doubting their abilities, or to those considering a mid-life career change. P.S. I do this too, its very helpful, kinda blows me away at how afraid people are to read the texts. Finally start connecting all of the logic into bigger systems that resemble what the app is supposed to be doing. Generally, what I did was, checkout Coursera and enroll in specific courses that I struggled in. Once that looks good replace with real code. I was about half way through the semester and I was wanting to just give up and switch my major again (keep in mind, I also had a part-time job and 4 other classes to do work for, so I didn't have a lot of extra time to devote to programming). Good luck, brother. This may be complicated or a lot to take in and may not be the best advice because I am still in school as well, but the bottom line is YOU CAN DO IT. Truth is, something may have to give. That's a big no-no. Like I wanted to drop out, again. Once I *forced* myself to actually make it a hobby, I started progressing far beyond my own expectations. If you didn't know, around that time many schools make your cs class very difficult relative to your experience. You have to do it for you.