cl.print(“OFF”); hi, Can you help me with that? 5.Have u heard about WEBDUINO( hope you could suggest any different way. } The code you provided in this tutorial works, but i’ve tried to add an extra gauge in the html code by copying the gauge code and add a new line of this analog input where i change it to another analog input: “void XML_response(EthernetClient cl) digitalWrite(7, LOW); { digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // and turn off the W5100 chip! renderTo : ‘gauge4’, if (StrContains(HTTP_req, "LED2=1")) { }, { But if i remove the card and put it back again when the Arduino is powered it works fine until the next reset or power up. // and LED status }, // checks if received HTTP request is switching on/off LEDs XML_response(client); from : 6, }”. if (!SD.begin(4)) { Hope this helps. I finally found out what causes the blank page problem on part 15 – gauge display. A display in a frame of the IP camera mounted on it will allow FPV (First Person Video). I modified the input/output example using ajax and xml on an SD cards with success but would like to use ajax to accept a text input to change some temperature setting. // } client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); } Thanks to your excellent tutorials I will be able to write something up. req_index++; || (HTTP_req.indexOf(“GET /index.htm”) > -1)) SUCCESS – SD card initialized. Arduino Mega 2560 project can be found here:, hello, Arduino Web Page I’m not sure about clicking and holding an HTML button, I am guessing that you could do something like that with JavaScript. digitalWrite(4, LOW); // activate SD card } } I redid the author’s work, which used the char array approach. // send a standard http response header Meaning on base unit I will be able to select which dispensing unit I want to schedule the alarm. void XML_response(EthernetClient cl) // last character on line of received text client.println("Content-Type: text/xml"); if (HTTP_req.indexOf(“page2”) > -1) { from : 5, // send rest of HTTP header What to search for? I am interested to hear what you think about the settings form that allows you to set up the code for your own network. Will keep you posted. #include //Note that this would be 60*1000/(millis() – timeold)*rpmcount if the interrupt Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, passerelle, masque); //—- initialise le serveur HTTP—- Part 2: Basic Arduino Web Server . Now on the page that opens, you can right-click the “Raw” button and save the file. Thank you. What do you mean by authentication, do you want to password protect the pages on the web server? Can’t promise anything immediately as I have lots of work to do. // — Fin programme —. All videos related to the Arduino Ethernet Shield Web Server Tutorial. You should be able to add the Ajax I/O code to the new web server. // constants won't change. The solution is to program the Arduino to be a client that does what the JavaScript is doing. 1 step: I upload a sketch (from my download link) to Arduino Uno and open the web page in brouser – it works well, but light doesnot work, couse line in scatch responsible for the light is located in the “comments”. } char HTTP_req[REQ_BUF_SZ] = {0}; // buffered HTTP request stored as null terminated string No question just wanted to thank you for this great information you have supplied on this website. document.getElementById(“LED3″).style.color=”blue”; Hi Bruce The following might help some people stuck like I was. Hi there! webFile =“page4.htm”); // open web page file boolean LED_state[7] = {0}; // stores the states of the LEDs. Thank you Acutus for your kind words. } if (this.readyState == 4) { { Tutorials client.println(“HTTP/1.1 200 OK”); //Each rotation, this interrupt function is run twice, so take that into consideration for Todays Low: 25.252316 > at < … : …, So tried this req_index = 0; Can you please tell me if it is possible to do this with a wifi shield instead of an ethernet shield ? currentLineIsBlank = false; return; // init failed if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) { units : ‘pH’, }. irsend.sendNEC(0x3FA15E, 32); This function searches for the second string passed to it to see if it can be found in the first string that is passed to it. I finally got the time to answer your question 1) about the drop-down boxes. client.println(“HTTP/1.1 200 OK”); Thank you very much for helping me out in this matter. Hi Damien Ok so it means the sketch for tutorial 15 doesn’t contains code for handling external Javascript gauge.min.js. LED_state[1] = 0; // save LED state It may be not the the most elegant solution but since I am just starting in this, I want to share it with others who have the same problem. // every line of text received from the client ends with \r\n XML_response(client); IF the answer is negative which arduino board do you suggest ? // IMPORTANT : régler le terminal côté PC avec la même valeur de transmission. This would interfere with a project that does not use the SD card, but uses pin 4 for some other function. // send XML file containing input states cl.print(“”); StrClear(HTTP_req, REQ_BUF_SZ); #include My PIR state can be changed many times in one day, so writing in EEPROM is not an option. The hardware is shown in the image below. The flag can control the loop, but the loop must also check for new HTTP requests and clear the flag when one is received so that the Arduino exits the loop. Keep it up! When the total buttons (modes and lamps) are less than 13 everything’s working perfectly, but when I add new mode which results into new ifs and request the webpage won’t be load. if (webFile) { char req_index = 0; // index into HTTP_req buffer But now i would like to add some pictures on web server. //pinMode(7,OUTPUT); I fiddled around and found out that I got it working with the setup() as below. hello guys, Please advice if there is any simpler way of implementing. }