He graduated from West Point in 1842, ranked 40 out of 56. Nicknamed "Fightin' Dick," Anderson was the grandson of the Revolutionary War hero Richard Anderson. Petersburg was all the more vulnerable for Grant's next move, the infamous Battle of the Crater. Civil War Battlefield Monuments ; C.S.A. 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment . ... in a direction at a right angle with it and facing to the right. Tag: Richard H. Anderson. - Army of Northern Virginia - Third Army Corps . It resulted in an estimated 51,000 casualties on both sides, the bloodiest single battle of the entire war. Item description: Dispatch, dated 4 June 1864, from Robert E. Lee to Richard H. Anderson, written during the Battle of Cold Harbor. The Battle of Sayler’s Creek. At daybreak on July 1, Major General Richard H. Anderson’s division left its bivouac near Fayetteville, Pennsylvania and marched eastward toward South Mountain, making frequent halts along the way. Mostly, that is due to the fact that only one after-action report from the entire division (and it … Continue reading → Major General Richard H. Anderson : Mahone's Brigade: Bde. April 6, 2020 WalterCoffey. Gen. William Mahone . Richard H. Anderson's Confederate forces prevented a Union victory, but only at a great cost. Report of Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson, C. S. Army, commanding division JUNE 3-AUGUST 1, 1863.--The Gettysburg Campaign. April 6, 1865 – General Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army of Northern Virginia sustained its worst defeat of the war while trying to elude Federal. Civil War Series The Campaign to Appomattox ... Brigadier General Charles Smith led most of his brigade in a charge on the Rebel column but met the massed rifles of Richard Anderson's corps and was repulsed. Jul 6, 2015 - In the summer of 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee launched his second invasion of the Northern states. Robert E. Lee was forced to move half his army from the key fortifications at Petersburg in response. While the actions of Richard H. Anderson’s division on September 17, 1862 are generally known, pinning down specifics has always been difficult. Continue reading. Forces collided at the crossroads town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania from July 1-3, 1863. Civil War Confederate Lieutenant General. After graduating, he attended cavalry school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Richard Heron Anderson (October 7, 1821 – June 26, 1879) was a career U.S. Army officer, fighting with distinction in the Mexican-American War.He also served as a Confederate general during the American Civil War, fighting in the Eastern Theater of the conflict and most notably during the 1864 Battle of Spotsylvania Court House.Anderson was also noted for his humility. Nicknamed Fighting Dick, he graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York in 1842, a class that produced 22 Civil War generals from the 37 graduated that were alive when the war began. Anderson's Division . 6th Virginia Infantry Regiment . Colonel George T. Rogers . Item Citation: From the Edward Porter Alexander Papers #00007, Southern Historical Collection, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.