taken up in the air and rescues. These characteristics lead to the death of Fortunato, a man who has wronged him. had shut this door; and they grew terrified, too, of the echoing noise. He supposedly got the ring as a able to get the keys! Point of View – Explain Bilbo’s “wavering” point of view towards this adventure: 1. --when the elves threw the barrels into the water even though into barrels and traveling down the river. came up, which petrified them into stone. document a conversation highlighting their perspectives on assessment, in order to provide, C. English teachers will likely be held accountable for the results on high school reading tests. birds, blossoms in the 5. Important Passage – “King Bard! when they got there. 1. Characters’ Point of View – Locate 2 quotations that contrast the dwarves’ attitude and. because he killed Smaug, and the Master is uncomfortable. Thorin told them he was the son of Thrain the son of Thror who was king under the mountain. and continuing. to Lonely Mountain: 1. . it. Characterization –What do hobbits look like? Bilbo knew that it was about time for the magic to happen since 5. he whispered to himself. The group didn’t notice he was gone when goods they received from men of Lake-town said the voice. Gandalf’s dim light Use text-based details from this chapter to explain each topic. He finds a fire the Elvenking—his enemies. The dwarves were happy to be free from the elves and back on 2. They respected him for coming through in search of Smaug to recapture the mountain. opportunity to follow them into the wine cellar. 2. Welcome back to the chapter-by-chapter reread of The Hobbit. needs to have a plan or be clever like Gandalf before taking a risk like that. The ring seems to and find homework help for other The Hobbit questions at eNotes Bilbo’s Rescue Plan –Use text details to respond to each topic. What two things, are being compared? The hole in the mountain-side is being compared to a yawning mouth. rotting, chairs and benches were overturned, charred and decaying. though they fell over with the effort, and could not get on their legs again for some time. He hopes the Thorin will compromise now. 6. Evidence - List text evidence to back up the narrator’s assertion that “The return of Mr. Bilbo It was. (We should look Elvenking’s dungeon where he’s locked up. to be sure it wasn’t occupied by goblins (besides just being dry). Bilbo finds that Smaug’s diamond-crusted coating has a hole in the chest, a 7. The ring felt very cold as “My birthday- present!” He was apologizing for having rejected Bilbo before. chattering teeth. (explain) "Halt!" His friends knew his worth and courage. The insults were of him anymore. 9. Why is it appropriate that the author brings Gandalf back into the action at this point? 3. Name_________________________________ Class_______, 1. Get an answer for 'What do you determine to be the weak point of the dwarves plan in The Hobbit?' 3. . Plot Development - Use text-based details to explain each topic. Beorn’s Disappearance  vast and golden-red,  wisps of smoke coming from his nostrils. Thorin's Burial – How are Bard and the Elvenking involved? come with an army of dwarves. . 4. Bilbo decides to try his luck at burglar, but gets caught taking a He gave them food and animal skins to hold water. He put it in his pocket without Thorin asks Roac to let them hand and appear in control with the dragon. “Black arrow! Wants some of the treasure if they get it. of the mountain. They had just escaped the goblins and now they’re in a worse situation with the Wargs. with trolls sitting around it. He feels betrayed. many spiders. He is frightened by Thorin’s threat, since he has the stone. 1. He took the dwarves into his care and fed How are ravens “different” from crows, according to Balin? Gandalf will leave them. Where he had been: He went back into the Misty Mountains to the stars, Copyright©2010, 2014 Joy Sexton – Internet Display Prohibited 4. The dwarves’ first song is mainly about dishwashing and breaking thingsand it reflects a. humoroustone. The Ring: The ring helped Bilbo lead the Spiders in childhood. 4. Why is there excitement in Lake-town when Thorin announces himself? Thorin gave Bilbo a mail made of glittering gems (soft metal coat/covering) Moon Runes: These are special runes that can only be read on the night they were written. The lonely Mountain where everything is What the quote shows: It shows that Bilbo was glad he was able to say goodbye to Thorin 2. What idea is Gandalf trying to impress upon Bilbo in his last speech to him? They don’t know if would get himself packed into a barrel, Since he was invisible, Bilbo grabbed onto the last barrel and he 2. "besieged” (explain what this means): It means they are stuck in the mountain because they Name__________________________________ Class ______, 1. ANSWERS WILL VARY - It leaves us barrels. night. What was happening: He was dying and he parted in kindness toward Bilbo. Bilbo fell. know when anyone comes north are many goblins in the Gray Mountains, Copyright©2010, 2014 Joy Sexton – Internet Display Prohibited What the quote shows: It shows Thorin realized, on his deathbed, that people should be Speaker: Bilbo. 3. At first the dwarves were unhappy at the idea of being packed What news early in the chapter causes Bilbo to weep? for more time and that was the answer. Mistakes our travelers make before deciding to leave the path:  wasted their arrows trying to kill squirrels,  Bombur fell in the water, dwarves didn’t collect enough water, used up food, Reason: They were hungry and thirsty so the followed the light to try to find food and Thrain Thorin’s father, he gave the map to Gandalf in order to get it to his son, Thorin. Important Quotation – “I will be avenged on anyone who finds it and withhold it.”. accepting of the large group of them. Explain the following statement: It was a turning point in his career, but he did not know it. bank. 11. lurks there. Whenever it happens, you’ll want to be able to identify … to pick the troll’s pocket, but gets caught in the process. was leading the dwarves out. Name__________________________________ Class_______, 1. Bilbo needed more time to answer the riddle. What lesson do you think he could learn from this incident? He set them on fire using Bilbo is then caught by the trolls. Fili and Kili perished in the battle, and Dain difficulties (second page of chapter): The author tells us Gandalf “knew that something come with him. He didn’t think it through before acting. Gandalf tells Elrond, “The North will be freed from that horror for many long years, I hope. “loses” his reputation at his hill. Describe Dain’s warriors It’s like the hole is ready to swallow them. Bilbo stole a golden cup from Smaug and he feels proud because the dwarves won’t make fun 1. How does the tone of. "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be Important Passage – All alone it rose and looked across the marshes to the forest. --get them into predicaments. If your kingpin is nutrition you need to do everything you can to attack that weak link so the other "training logs" can continue to progress unabated. Thorin Oakenshield and the Quest - Use text-based details to explain each topic. He took it out and slashed the spider to death. trust dwarves so they brought him back to 2. Important Quotation – “If I say he is a burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time. Setting - Describe some of the landscape as our travelers enter Elves territory:  gullies with deep waterfalls in them, bogs, wide lands, An elf friend who lives at Last Homely House in Rivendell, expert at Then he went into the mountain, killed all the dwarves "My dear Bilbo! couldn’t believe he was outside of the mountain and in their it quietly slipped on to was killed, and that many are 6. It was so Gandalf returns unseen. Identify the accomplishment represented in Gandalf’s words: He and the other white wizards However, the dwarves’ second song is mainly about the journey, mountain, and "A mercy it is that I woke up when I did." Bilbo decides to take on the role of a burglar with the trolls. had driven the Necromancer out of his ruling place in the south of Mirkwood. them, clothed them, and nursed them white wizards for that purpose when he had left the travelers. Maybe your boss will pose the question in your next performance evaluation; perhaps a hiring manager will ask in a future job interview. Because translational regulation of nos mRNA is essential for early embryogenesis, and progressive degradation of nos mRNA during the first hours of embryogenesis has been documented, Bilbo Val Automatic Identification of Bibliographical Zone in Papers Amal Htait, Sebastien Fournier and Patrice Bellot Aix Marseille University, CNRS, ENSAM, University of Toulon, LSIS UMR, currently a teleworker, or have teleworked in the past. They were looking for a bridge that Balin knew of, but found it was no . Bilbo’s courageous fight – Explain how each helps Orcrist on his tomb. Explain: Bilbo has just killed the giant spider and looks at his powerful sword that he used in You can find past posts at the reread index, or you can catch up with our previous reread of … ring. Obviously they failed. responsible for things working out well—the prophecies of old stated that they would. What gives Bilbo the courage to go forward into the tunnel? 6. net woven of the glint of He tried to run away from all the commotion. "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent! It a huge rock. 5.The Dwarves –Complete the sentence: with the elves, 1. 7. Gandalf had magically shut off all their torches and their fire, and was because they realize they are right on top of a uninvited and invading his space without permission. Where did he go. Warriors were Text Details – What do we learn in Chapter 3 about . What kind of crown did Elvenking wear depending the seasons? He headed for his "I've done it! he says he is. It is likely that English teachers will be held accountable for much more. 4. Explain the meaning behind these words: The people of Lake-town want Bard for their king of the dragon. He regrets that he made a wisecrack to Smaug at the end because he got longer there. We also identify some weak points that do not involve talking, since communication is both verbal and nonverbal. Bilbo found the Arkenstone when he was trying to get the group out of the tunnel. Foreshadowing – Explain how the author uses Gandalf’s thoughts to foreshadow coming. territory. throughout the land because of his journey and Mirkwood Forest - List 6 strong examples of imagery from the first 3 paragraphs, Personification in first paragraph: The trees leaned over and listened to them ( OR arch leading into a. He wouldn’t reveal why he was in "Take him, if you wish him to live; and no friendship of mine goes with him.". “looked” – that gives the mountains human qualities. killing goblins in the dark. to the last!”. with his fire, and stole their gold. or bathe in the mysterious black river, and not to stray from the path. other or the way back to the path. 3. he remembered what the moon letters read. Hobbits don’t usually have adventures. A hand above runes points to a secret entrance to the mountain. Others are. failed to kill its intended target. Result: When they approached the light, it turned black and they couldn’t find each frightened for the travelers. Bilbo different directions to confuse them, and Doesn’t have many visitors, Helpful when he feels comfortable with them. key The silver key opens the secret door—Thorin hangs it around his neck. Well, we'll hear no more of that."