So all of these things are there. One of the things I did after that was, I went to eBay and I found a 40 year old acoustic coupler. But you have to find an ‘in,’ and maybe that’s a summer camp in something that interests them, that shows them an application. But it just illustrates the fact that … It amazes me how we can take things in the world around us sometimes and create things that, I mean, who would have imagined this even 50 years ago? Lorenzo Alvisi, The University of Texas at Austin. 20 years ago that was not Fremont. It’s hard to attribute our successes to a specific thing, because we do so many different things, and it’s hard to measure. Both are legendary for big band charts in odd meters. “It was very obvious from the beginning that he was a person who really personally cared about the success of every single person in the department,” Balazinska said. Levy: I don’t have data on things like, but more and more they are introduced to it in high school and they take AP, and then they actually place out of the first course. That’s a strength of the field, because when I came here from DEC in those days, I brought a lot of experience that was really irrelevant to both my teaching and my research. And the impact of the UW and the computer science program here, I think, is sometimes taken for granted, because Seattle is so much bigger. You mentioned the Intel lablet that used to be here. by Kurt Schlosser on July 17, 2019 at 10:00 amJuly 18, 2019 at 5:39 pm. They’re very, I don’t love this, actually, in that I don’t want people to be narrow. So they are doing that, but you talked about the long term vision, we need those people to produce the next generation of computer science students, who are AI experts, and who they can hire. I think industry’s going to have to help us figure out how we survive, and how we educate the next generation, and how we do the research that will help them, as well. There is not an abundance of AI people just sitting around at the bowling alley, if that even exists, where you can go and say, “Hey, do you want to come work for us?” So people are feeling this extreme need because it has had an impact on every part of every industry, not just ours. We do all kinds of things to reach out. That was because people like Brad Smith at Microsoft, and Microsoft corporation, and Amazon, and Zillow, and Google, were able to support us. Christmas Rhaposy - Newell H. Long. We teach on the order of 4,000 students a year in various intro course, particularly the first two intro to programming and some others. Thanks for inviting me. And that was a remarkable thing. We value their support. The New York Post said that "Scruples was born to be a smash bestseller. And it works well. Balazinska has had a storied tenure at the UW, where among other things she led the creation of the Data Science and Advanced Data Science Ph.D. options, and later co-led the creation of the Undergraduate Data Science option. Hank Levy: Thanks Todd. But she didn’t really know what she wanted to do. Steering Committee. What’s amazing today is not only how much they learn and how much they can do, but how much students coming out of high school already know. We don’t happen to have, we don’t have enough power on campus to have the numbers that these people have. Our graduate program’s probably on the order of 26%, something like that. But obviously, we’re very lucky to be here in Seattle, which is Cloud Central, where Amazon remarkably really made this work at scale. So I want to go back and bring myself back up to speed technically. Other people in the community, Charles and Lisa Simonyi stepped forward and really helped us. We’ve almost doubled the faculty. Microsoft is doing great work in cloud, and actually there’s a lot of work at Google in Cloud that’s going on right here in Fremont, a couple of blocks from where we’re sitting right now. And I said, “What are you interested in?” And she said, “I’m interested in robotics.” And I said, “Oh, come with me,” and I took her to the robotics lab and showed her all the incredible stuff there, and I could see her eyes kind of open up. Save 20% Off ESET’s new business solution: ESET PROTECT Advanced at What’s similar in their current environment and what’s different? Well, we have a great … despite the … poaching is a pejorative word, but we have a great relationship with all of these companies. of Washington leads new data science institute, Univ. And as you said, they’re basically pulling power out of the air. Levy: And it’s amazing how new that is relatively, right? The GeekWire Awards, presented by Wave Business, will return on May 20 in a virtual format. Because it seems like that would be more of a win-win? Levy: Well, we’ll see. CMU, actually, has faced this. Then, they would come back, bring back what they know, be a professor in their department. You kind of can’t have it both ways. Go here to nominate for the GeekWire Awards. We’ve doubled the PhD program. It grew its faculty by 30 positions, or 70 percent; doubled its space with the addition of the Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering; tripled its undergraduate enrollment and doubled its graduate enrollment; and developing strengths in areas such as robotics, data science, security, sensors and machine learning. Levy: So this is going on nationally, and we have to figure out how to live in a world where people have maybe joint relationships, but it’s difficult. And then hopefully people can go from what they’ve done and continue to do that in the future. Levy: Yeah, you got back on the bus. But it is, it was actually fun yesterday, I got to interview Adam Selipsky, the Tableau CEO, about the Salesforce acquisition. When I first started, I didn’t think of it as being a full-time job and I was still very engaged in research and teaching, and I still have some PhD students, but it’s been hard over the last eight or nine years to keep up. It’s an incredible organization and we have a reputation for being one of the most collegial computer science schools, departments in the country, and so it’s really fun working with these people. And I’m looking forward to seeing what you do after you close the office door and figure out what’s going on in those research papers. ESET: Here to secure your computers and devices and keep your company data safe. So she relied on encouragement from … And for IoT it’s really important because we want to have these little sensors and devices everywhere and you don’t want to run around your house replacing the batteries every hour, which is what you would have to do eventually when you’ll have a a thousand devices in your house. I don’t think in history there’s been anything that’s been on an exponential growth curve for 50 years without stop. I remember I saw the first demonstration of this, I think it was back at the old Intel lab where they were. Computer scientist Hank Levy has been a quiet force behind the program as its leader for the past 13 years. Born in Communist Poland near the end of the 1970s, Balazinska said her parents moved away from a “pretty bad situation” when they got the opportunity to go to work in Algeria. There’s a new resource here in walking distance from us, with whom we’ll be able to collaborate in the future on different kinds of hardware technology and robotics technology, and we have a strong connection. Instead, what’s happened is that they’ve opened a new research lab in Seattle, under his guidance, so he’s taking a leave. And we’ve grown the program in the way that we are very strong at core computer science. During his tenure, the program positioned itself as one of the top 5 computer science programs in the country, after MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Carnegie Mellon in the minds of many in the industry. And he’s just an incredibly fun guy who comes over and talks to students, and gives them feedback, and always appears in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, and that makes him a lot of fun. We were out of space and we needed to build another building. They realize, “Oh, I could do some of this.” So I think that the women are there. But that’s led to new excitement. They have just absorbed the fact, kids at all ages, all genders, that technology is part of their lives and that they can use it to do what they want. But at every level people are exposed to this technology and are impacted by it. I start in 2006. Levy: Right, it was a point-to-point Internet, that they had borrowed this acoustic coupler “without permission” from the professor, and that they were to return the coupler and to cease using department resources.” It was just so funny. He led CSE for 14 years through a period of major growth, from 2006 through 2019, first as Chair of the Department and then as the first Director of the Paul G. Allen School at its creation in 2017. Found this record in my basement. I don’t think we’ve figured this out, but we need their help and their understanding to do this. “Leveraging Non-Volatile Memories with Versioned Key-Value Stores” February 2012, $40k cash, Microsoft. And they did that for decades and decades. They are known in part for the fact that 50 percent of their graduates are women. There’s what’s called Moore’s Law, which is not at all a law, it was actually Intel’s goal to deliver a doubling of transistor density on chip every two years or every 18 months or something like that. Hank's research projects focus on operating systems, distributed systems, security, the world-wide web, and computer architecture. The current owners, Beth Attebery and Anthony Barr have been associated with the firm from a decade. TB: To use an agriculture analogy, they’re taking the seed corn. Videos. Enjoy! “We are on this amazing trajectory,” Balazinska said of the Allen School during an interview with GeekWire this week. Levy: Yeah, it’s great. [laughter] So we were very lucky to come here early when nobody had discovered how much fun this is. Erik Morales. SWHS Wind Ensemble (2007) - Rehearsal Recording. TB: Have you started to see students at the undergrad level who were introduced to programming through initiatives like or other things like that at the high school level, where you’ve seen this new push over the last decade to make sure many students are introduced to the field? Levy: Of course, many people don’t know that Moore’s Law died about a decade ago and so-. Professor Magdalena Balazinska has long been considered a leader in data management and data science at the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. When she joined the UW, Balazinska wanted to work with “real users” and professor Ed Lazowska was just starting the school’s eScience Institute, a hub of data-intensive discovery on campus. But to give you an idea of what that involved, we had a card punch in our high school. Unbeknownst to Babe, his elder brother by ten years (and best friend), Henry David "Hank" Levy (after Henry David Thoreau), known by Babe as "Doc", works in The Division under the name "Scylla" and has been helping to move Szell's diamonds as part of his duties. TB: You’re involved in operating systems, distributed systems, the internet, computer architecture. Hank is Professor and Wissner-Slivka Chair in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. So big picture thoughts, when you reflect on your tenure as the head of the department, as the Chair and now Director, what would you want people to know? I got to say, I was so impressed by CMU and I know that there’s a relationship between the two, where sometimes their professors come to UW. TB: Exactly. Whiplash (2014) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Google Sites… So if I look at the curriculum, the way I look at it is somehow every, let’s say, five or six years, we’ve taken what used to be graduate work at least at the Master’s level and shoved it down into the undergraduate level. But as I said before, we are taking, this year we’re taking 50 percent directly out of high school, and then we bring those students and their families here to try to recruit them because they have lots of good options, and one reason for doing that is to keep the good students who are local, local, rather than having them go to the obvious other places. Henry M. Levy holds the Wissner-Slivka Chair in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. Levy: In our undergraduate program, we graduate about 30% women, which is much higher than the national average. “It’s a good time for us to pause and reflect,” said Balazinska, who has two daughters ages 8 and 11 and whose husband Michel Goraczko works at Microsoft Research. Go here to nominate deserving companies, organizations and leaders. Retired UW computer science professor embroiled in Twitter spat over AI ethics and ‘cancel culture’, Seattle machine learning startup OctoML raises $15M from Amplify and Madrona, Backed by $12.5M in federal funding, Univ. People are the secret. As a teenager, she liked math, science, programming and playing video games. I like to say I’m in the 13th year of my five year term as head of the program, which is what it’s supposed to be. And so having access to that, having access to data, and having access to the problem set, understanding the problem set of industry is important to us, so we want to have a relationship with these companies, and we do. Client apps display shared data to users and accept user input, and a hierarchy of servers and other backend … She is the President at Harvey Mudd College. We packaged it up with a letter from Ana Mari Cauce our president, saying, “Dear Paul, we’re very sorry that we did this in the past. He’s set up new Nvidia lab. TB: Soon to transfer down to South Lake Union. And that includes 50 new faculty positions approximately. TB: So I imagine that might have ended up at the Living Computers Museum? We benefited enormously from the tech community around us in many ways. But they’re special purpose hardware devices that are used to accelerate machine learning, training in particular, and other things. Overview and Impact Simultaneous multithreading is a processor design that combines hardware multithreading with superscalar processor technology to allow multiple threads to issue instructions each cycle. Main Administrative Offices: Paul G. Allen Center, Box 352350 185 E Stevens Way NE Seattle, WA 98195-2350 Directions Levy: Thank you, Todd. Time for a Change - Hank Levy. Dave Andersen, Carnegie Mellon University. There was a recession. Don Ellis and Hank Levy. It’s hard to compete with that. And 20 years ago, if you weren’t working for Boeing, you were working for Microsoft. We’ve clearly pushed into that group and it’s very exciting. And that’s part of the upside and the downside. Google, Facebook, and Huawei have made an investment in nurturing the future of augmented and virtual reality through $6 million in contributions to the opening of a new center at the University of Washington. I like to talk about computer history when I’m teaching because I want them to not take for granted what we have. And actually at one time it was the second largest computer company in the world. She then wished he would remain until she became a full professor, and then she became a full professor. But, I think that’s hard for lots of companies to actually … It’s an expensive model, obviously. Hank Levy, University of Washington. TB: So my question for you at the beginning about what you would do if you were starting over again was not actually a hypothetical? But there has to be a balance, and we need to be able to continue to do research, hire good people, keep those people, and to teach our students the skills that industry wants. A Time for Love - US Army Field Band (Jazz Ambassadors)From the Legacy of Hank Levy album (2007) I think one of the things that’s amazing is, again, it goes to the rate at which computer science is improving. Balazinska credited Levy with being instrumental in helping secure necessary space for the school’s growth, including the new Bill & Melinda Gates Center for Computer Science & Engineering. He’s in his second year now, he’s going to transition back to UW. Levy: Yeah. That alone is amazing. But computer science, and math and statistics, that intersection is where it’s hot right now, particularly statics and computer science because that’s machine learning and that’s artificial intelligence. You open a lab, you hire a bunch of people. Even in North Carolina, there is Duke, UNC, which had a very early program in computer science, NC State. We protect users across 200 countries worldwide, helping them use and explore all the great opportunities of the Internet. TB: Well, Hank Levy, best of luck, and thank you for being here. Scruples was translated into twenty languages and made Rodeo Drive famous around the world. For lots of AI research, for example, you need access to special hardware; these are called GPUs or TPUs, or whatever. But, over the past couple years, I know that some companies have brought your professors onboard. TB: Yeah. The group at OSDI 2016. So she relied on encouragement from her parents. In the University District. Pittsburgh is fantastic —. Then we started working on the new building, the Bill and Melinda Gates Center, and it seemed like changing horses was a bad thing to do when you’re trying to raise $100 million, so all these things happened. To make it up to you, should you require it, here is your very own acoustic coupler.” Of course, Paul loved it, because he loves computer history. For his part, Levy told GeekWire that he feels really good about how far the Allen School has come and the direction it’s headed for the future. One of those things that got a fair amount of publicity was ambient backscatter a couple of years ago. TB: $1 billion. Then she sent me an email just a couple of weeks ago saying just want you to know that I’m coming to UW, so that was a great thing. Levy: Actually, I was going to say, just to follow up on what you were saying, I feel the same way even though I’m inside of the Allen School. It’s not just computer scientists. People need those skills. TB: And the fact that you don’t need to have a battery there or a power connection is incredible. Levy: So increasingly, everybody will need those skills if they’re going to have not just high tech jobs, but outstanding jobs, because data is everywhere. Jointly, they had access to Intel technology and Intel staff. People on campus who think about those things from the perspective of social sciences or the law school are partners with whom she would like to engage. One of the primary engines of that growth is the University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering in Seattle. UMT Jazz Band II (2009) - 1st Year College Instructor. Levy: It’s been an amazing time, and I feel so lucky to have been allowed to do this job and to work with such great people. I really appreciate it. I think one of the things that’s exciting to see, and we’ve really grown the Allen School in this direction, that’s one of the things that’s made us, I think, a leader nationally, but kids really care about impact and that doesn’t mean just technical impact. I am excited to see the school thrive with Magda at the helm.”. Balazinska attended a French elementary school before the family relocated again, to Montreal. We found one dictionary with English definitions that includes the word hank levy: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "hank levy" is defined. I think the national average has improved, it used to be 15%, maybe it’s closer to 20% now. Uber hired 25 researchers, not necessarily to tenure-track faculty members. How Jeff Bezos personally helped the University of Washington recruit its AI ‘superstars’, Seattle machine learning startup OctoML raises $15M from Amplify and Madrona, Amazon hires Seattle U computer science chair, then makes big donation to find replacement, University of Washington once again named world’s most innovative public university, Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott marries Seattle science teacher, Critics take aim at SpaceX’s Starlink, Amazon’s Project Kuiper and other satellite constellations, Republican Senator Marco Rubio unleashes blistering attack on Amazon, says he stands with union effort and criticizes company’s ‘woke’ culture, Report on COVID-related philanthropy credits MacKenzie Scott with powering 25% of U.S. giving, Like what you're reading? Pictures. But, obviously, it is symbiotic relationship between the tech community and the university. Balazinska won’t take over until Jan. 1, as she needs time to disengage from some of her other obligations. TB:  But, at the same time, you’re not blessed with unlimited funding from the state. And if you were working for Microsoft, I would imagine the options for engineers here were far fewer. And that’s what happened to DEC, in part. TB: It’s not. Bottom row (from left to right): Irene Zhang, Hank Levy, Kaiyuan Zhang, Helga Gudmundsdottir, Luke Nelson, Ellis Michael. What kind of relationship does the computer science and engineering program have with the broader tech community in Seattle? And similar, I would read in card decks at night and then I would actually have to load the disc pack so that that job could read its data. Levy: It’s such a great place to live and great place to work. TB: It strikes me that one challenge with this current generation of budding computer scientists might be to make sure they don’t take the technology around them for granted. This is not just our problem, this is a national problem for computer science. “And my mom said, ‘It doesn’t matter what you take as a major, you will be programming when you graduate.’ So I ended up taking the two pieces of advice and going into computer engineering.”. Levy: I’m not technically retiring; I’m just stepping down. Balazinska is also a well-regarded researcher and educator, and she was just named the next leader of the prominent and rapidly-growing UW computer science school. “Approximate Accelerators” October 2011, $300k, PNNL. He and Bill Gates have both been major supporters of the UW computer science program. Levy: Yes. $1 billion. But, the most obvious was, we have been growing incredibly in the program, we’ve tripled the undergraduate program. Yeah, that’s true. By Hank Levy / arr. So that’s a win-win. Paul Allen actually brought with him, the letter that had been written to him however many … in the ’80s, from Hellmut Golde, who was then the head of computer science, telling them that they had been illegally using resources in the computer science department, and that they committed this sin, which is they borrowed an acoustic coupler, which was a device we used 50 years ago to communicate from a home computer to a big computer somewhere over phone line.