You can thank the un-Patriot Act of 2001 that made it easier to infringe on our rights and privacy under the guise of Homeland Security. Millions turn to Vox to understand what’s happening in the news. The Bank of America absolutely COULD thumb their nose at this kind of request from a government that overstepped its bounds…if they wanted to. Maybe Dan is afraid that the ban hammer is soon to fall. They only said they “cooperated.” Carlson pointed out that banks are allowed under 12 U.S.C. “You’d think TTAG would have learned that this new format is, by a wide margin, unpopular to say the least”. This is where guns enter the story. Gen Z’s high-speed rail meme dream, explained. They just keep pushing the envelope. But many other OECD countries face their own distinctive problems that affect their crime rate," he told me. Biden’s First-Day Plans Range From Covid to Climate, Guns, Labor Jeffrey Taylor, John Tozzi, Greg Stohr and Jennifer A. Dlouhy 11/7/2020 More Americans identify as … If a company states they will cooperate with law enforcement, without detailing specifically what that means, then responding to a phone inquiry to release your activity could be well within the law. Lack of rain and rising temperatures threaten to decrease water supplies and bring more wildfires this summer and in the years to come. If this is you then I suggest that you delete the account immediately, You have stolen my business identity and are selling guns and ammo without a license. One would like to think so, but the terms of service are crucial. I am always looking for something worth value for trade later down the line. . Owner of 200 machine guns, he calls himself "the most armed man in America," a free-market Hong Kong of weaponry, a sideways P.T. I know you like to play Devil’s Advocate sometimes to make sure our arguments are better, but c’mon. Bank of America didn’t say that the FBI subpoenaed the information. And indeed, that's what Zimring and Hawkins's data found. Guns sales are driven by anti-gun rhetoric; a popular joke in the industry is that Barack Obama was the greatest gun salesman of all time. . Do they offer anything worth having, desired or needed not available elsewhere? Volsky is the executive director of Guns Down America, a gun control group. Meanwhile, Chase has cancelled the payment service account of Covfefe Coffee Company, a pro-Trump business, reversed payments processed, and frozen the bank account to prevent any withdrawals, for Covfefe allegedly violating its terms of service. Number four, we’re going to boost gun safety technology. Yet. When to expect your stimulus check, and other questions, answered. If you are looking to buy guns or sell guns, you have come to the right place. Hannity says Biden should call Trump and thank him for his Covid response. Tucker Carlson, of Fox News, uncovered evidence that Bank of America is turning over the private […] Obviously, many factors other than guns may promote or reduce the number of murders in any given place or time or among particular groups. If there is evidence of illegal activity, sedition, insurrection, terrorism, etc, then the Federal authorities should be presenting that in court to obtain search warrants. Welcome to the Bank of Gun Control America. I get 200-300 bucks out at a time every few days until I have enough for gun related stuff. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The founders left no record of the intention of the federal government to intervene, interfere with, or manipulate private businesses….except as specifically and solely delegated in the Constitution. Tucker Carlson is a spineless loser. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Billing Details. Next, the government can make life miserable for any corporation they choose. It can no longer accurately be called the Bank of America. “Serious, groundbreaking biological studies of human history only seem to come along once every generation or so. If you spend $100 at Cabela’s, they don’t know whether I bought 20 pounds of fudge or 50 rounds of .22 ammo. It also shouldn’t be surprising that big banks with antigun agendas are emboldened to violate their customers’ privacy, turn them out and label them as “extremists” and “domestic terrorists.” The Biden administration yanked the publication of the “Fair Access” banking rule by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Refusing to “cooperate” with LE can bring great heat from major stockholders (who themselves do not want to be crosswise with government). But clearly, millions of us are being considered for the honor. For example; if a lot has 5 rifles in it, and your bid amount was $1,000 and you won; you get all 5 rifles for the amount you bid plus the buyer’s premium. Threatened of losing their economic life, what do you expect banks to do? "Violence is not a crime problem.". Have to love the forms you need to fill out if you take a large sum if cash out if your account too. The New York Post interviewed New York City’s former top cop who blasted the decision to hand over private financial data. However…..should you expect your credit union to protect your constitutionally-protected rights, either? Whatever the United States of Americas leaders decide is best for its citizens. “What they did, if there was no warrant or subpoena, is most likely illegal.”. So far, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo haven’t responded if they’ve conducted similar internal search efforts of customer information. There may be 100million gun owners (or even more), but there are not 100million POTG. Acworth Guns is Acworth's oldest gun shop. Joe Biden Fan Mail Address, Phone Number and House Address are given here. Too big to fail? ; Leadership Identify and enable future-ready leaders who can inspire exceptional performance. Not just the government using data against you anymore, They Stormed the Capitol. I discourage anyone I know from dealing with this bank. Maybe this is something we should all look into. Zimring and Hawkins set out to examine what was, at the time, the conventional wisdom: that America had a uniquely terrible crime problem, one without any parallel in other developed democracies. I wonder as to the following. Well, there was this time when we walked up and hassled an innocent BOA teller who certainly didn’t deserve it, because…well…. The Puckle gun is a tripod-mounted, single-barreled flintlock weapon fitted with a manually operated revolving cylinder; Puckle advertised its main application as an anti-boarding gun for use on ships.