Historical background and literary features of the Elizabethan age (1550-1630). [1] Fruit and floral designs – particularly grape and vine leafs – were very popular, as well as masks, grotesques and lozenge ornamentation. [3] This was a period of great literary creativity and prolific writing. Turnings are baluster-shaped and the use of C-scrolls was quite common. [4] [4], Elizabethan literature, body of works written during the reign of Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603), probably the most splendid age in the history of English literature, during which such writers as Sir Philip Sidney, Edmund Spenser, Roger Ascham, Richard Hooker, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare flourished. [2] The ornamentation became smaller, lighter with flatter carving, and carpets were now being introduced. [14] Instead of "Goodbye", people would say "Anon", "Fare thee well", or "God save thee!" [5] Blank verse persisted in popularity far past the Elizabethan era, used by such notable works as John Milton’s "Paradise Lost" and William Wordsworth’s "Prelude." Elizabethan Furniture. By Professor W. A. Neilson. One of the finest examples is Hardwick Hall nestled in the heart of Derbyshire. [4] We say "Yes", but the Elizabethan language used "Aye" or "Yay" For "No", they said "Nay" or "Indeed not." Tables with 4 or 6 bulbous legs with stretcher rails at the bottom as a footrest to keep feet of the floor rushes. Rich nobles could watch the play from a chair set on the side of the Globe stage itself, so an audience viewing a play may often have to ignore the fact that there is a noble man sitting right on the stage( Elizabethan Era ). [3] Later with the arrival of the Renaissance, the styles of chairs started changing and the pointed arch style was no more in fashion. [17], Queen Elizabeth was the last sovereign of the House of Tudor and the architecture and furniture made during her reign is known as Elizabethan. Literature in Elizabethan England was heavily influenced by that of Italy, and to a lesser extent by that of Spain and France. Decoration tends to be lavish. [24], The Elizabethan convention of word puns can be hilariously witty if used wisely with contemporary references. [8] – The earlier furniture of the period was heavy and cumbersome. [7] [11] Period Furniture Century Furniture Colonial Furniture Jacobean Furniture Chair Chippendale Furniture Chair Spanish Furniture European Furniture Jacobean Furniture Style: Pieces and Ornamentation Jacobean style evolved from the Elizabethan furniture influences to the contributions of Inigo Jones combined with Dutch characteristics. Inlaid fruitwood. [9] The pieces themselves were crafted from hardwood, with oak being the overwhelming choice for most furniture makers. This was the period in which the sonnet was popularized after its introduction by Thomas Wyatt early in the 16th century. William Shakespeare, born April 26, 1564 during the Elizabethan Era, will forever be known as one of the world's greatest writers in history. [19], Long before the invention of modern technologies, such as radios and televisions, movies, video game systems and the ever popular internet, people in the Elizabethan age created an elaborate system of activities and events to keep themselves entertained [16] – The construction was framed. The most important characteristic of the Elizabethan age was the comparative religious tolerance and social contentment,intellectual liberty,unbounded patriotism and peace at home and abroad.The age appealed to the imagination and intellect, and literature instinctively turned to the drama and brought it rapidly to the highest stage of its development. Elizabethan sonnets are written in iambic pentameter and consist of 14 lines, often divided into three quatrains and a couplet. The period has the great variety of almost unlimited creative force; it includes works of many kinds in both verse and prose, and ranges in spirit from the loftiest Platonic idealism or the most delightful romance to the level of very repulsive realism. Perhaps the best-known innovation of Elizabethan poetry is the Elizabethan, or English, sonnet. Whereas a black person would normally be used in Elizabethan literature to represent the darkness, Iago’s absolute evil takes on that role. The Elizabethan era, often hailed as a golden age for English literature, spanned Queen Elizabeth’s long reign from 1558 to 1603. [4], With taxes lower than other European countries of the period, the economy expanded; though the wealth was distributed with wild unevenness, there was clearly more wealth to go around at the end of Elizabeth's reign than at the beginning. [3] With them were mixed the prismatic rustications and ornamental detail of scrolls, straps, and lozenges also characteristic of Elizabethan design. [8], Students today should be familiar with minimal use of props from high school or university theatre classes and plays, so prop acquisition or construction with a modern Elizabethan play is easy. [23] It is generally agreed by scholars Elizabethan acting was largely presentational in style. Elizabethan chairs were elaborately designed and were mainly seen only in the homes of those who were very wealthy. Other examples of the period can be observed at Longleat House with its rich plaster relief and oak panelling and Corsham Court for its classical columns. [23] During the Elizabethan era, the furniture in a person's home was an important symbol of his status. The Queen Anne style in British architecture refers to either the English Baroque architectural style that developed around the time of Queen Anne (who reigned from 1702 to 1714) or a revived form that became popular during the last quarter of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century (which is known as Queen Anne Revival). [4] The woods were often painted and sometimes gilded. Furthermore, the windows reflect the Elizabethan penchant for the decorative, with mullioned and transomed windows proving popular alongside bay and oriel styles. [12], As such, ideas, forms, themes, etc., from the Italian Renaissance and ancient Greece and Rome lead to what becomes Elizabethan literature. There are many different styles of 18th-century furniture.The era represents the Golden Age of Cabinet Making. At Oliver Burns, we take great care and pride in protecting and restoring original period features, such as fireplaces, to their former glory. Tudor Furniture Characteristics • Made of Oak, heavy, strong, detailed and uncomfortable furniture. Terms & Conditions  | Buffet – a term loosely used to describe a piece of furniture of the sixteenth and seventeenth century used as a sideboard, with open shelves supported on bulbous turned members. [19] As Shakespeare famously said ‘the past is prologue’ a statement which resonates today as we thoughtfully design and develop the world’s finest residences in sensitive awareness of the rich heritage of many of Britain’s homes. [4], Shakespeare's plays and poems flourished during the Elizabethan Era. Like Chaucer, many Elizabethan writers wished to raise the English language, long considered a rough means of expression, to the level of art. From information on Hampton Court Palace: "masterly paintings, writing tables inlaid with mother of pearl". Elizabethan Furniture Characteristics: Heavy bulbous tables – bulbous turning often with much carved ornament such as gadrooning, nulling and acanthus leaves. Carving was coarse and flat, a characteristic feature being the interwoven strap work, some inlaying was also done. [8] The Elizabethan era of English furniture history saw a gradual absorption of the Gothic tradition, dominant in the Tudor furniture period, into a native English version of the Renaissance movement, particularly that part of the Renaissance as had … [10], The age of Elizabethan staining to a state of stability Dynastic problems was there. C [17] Written on: July 14, 2020. [1] [9] As a result, Elizabethan furniture was the first to start transitioning out the medieval era. Coinciding with St. George’s Day, April 23. Elizabethan artists drew from European Renaissance ideals, but they also brought a unique national sensibility to their work. English furniture builders combined Gothic influences with images from mytho-logy and Christianity. [6] Elizabethan furniture became a revered art form that attracted those with exquisite taste in furniture. [8] 6. Thou art an artless, ill-nurtured, flirt-gill! The Jacobean furniture term defines the works belonging to the period between 1603 -1649. Shakespeare is rarely performed today in Elizabethan costumes. It is simply a case of understanding the nature and purpose of when and why these conventions were used in Elizabethan theatre, and then adapting them for a contemporary audience and/or setting. Note: Footnotes & Links provided to all original resources. [8] Modernising Elizabethan conventions just takes a bit of brainstorming and before you know it, the creativity will flow! Designed in the shape of the letter ‘H’, Hardwick House exemplifies the period’s inclination towards a symmetrical aesthetic. It is under this renewed economic stability, which we owe some of the most spectacular examples of 17th century architecture. [7] [12] While furniture makers were trained in … [8] [4] [18] During the Elizabethan age England felt the complete effect of the Renaissance. [6] Drama. Oak was still the timber used during the reigns of James I and Charles I. The Elizabethan Age contrasts sharply with the previous and following reigns. Many of the conventions used in public performances of Elizabethan plays were so recognisable, today Elizabethan theatre is not only referred to as a specific period in theatre history, but also as a theatre style. In fact, it was extremely rare for any area of the furniture to be void of some form of decoration. • Melon bulb turning. [8] [3] [8] [9], It came about that the great master of Elizabethan music was a Catholic composer named William Byrd (c. 1543-1623), who was hired by Elizabeth to a position in the royal chapel in the early 1570s. [24] [19] All the apartments of the palace were said to be "hung with rich tapestry of pure gold and fine silk". [23], Although the term "Renaissance" wasn’t used until the 19th century, it accurately describes at least one feature of Elizabethan literature: It often perceived itself as giving "rebirth" to classical matter to usher in a new era of literature in English. To Shakespeare contemporary audience this would have been the accepted attitude, and would have been a respected dominant thinking that the Elizabethan patriarchal society. Bun foot – a flattened or squashed version of the ball foot popular in William and Mary case furniture. The book also took its form from the popular handbook of manners, a book that instructed Elizabethan gentlemen on the proper code of behavior. [16] [8] [17] The Drama Teacher meta name"description" content"Students often ask me "What exactly is Elizabethan theatre?" [4] Characteristics of Jacobean chairs The early Jacobean chairs were still similar to Elizabethan style oak chairs. [6] In Elizabethan times there was no such thing as religious tolerance. [3], The plays were performed by many actors during the time period and poems were deeply enjoyed by many. It was a period of peace between the English Reformation and the battles between Protestants and Catholics. [19] [23] Some of the finer examples were constru… In this book paradise lost when I read at that time I found that not only Elizabethan time were under power and queen had all power in her hand but in this book paradise lost also good example of superior and inferior and god had did everything. [2] [22], In the cities of Elizabethan England, another common style of house evolved for merchants and the growing middle class. [6], Elizabethan furniture became a revered art form that attracted those with exquisite taste in furniture. It was in part a period of experimentation, when the proper material and limits of literary forms were being determined, oftentimes by means of false starts and grandiose failures. [24] [13] Of course, the play was the thing for Elizabethan literature and though Shakespeare is the most famous person to have written in this period, he is not the only major Elizabethan playwright of note. Published in 1561, Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton's Gorboduc is considered one of the first Elizabethan plays and was one of the first verse dramas in English to use blank verse. Elizabethan, Jacobean anil Flemish styles can be used together in perfect harmony in furnishing a room. One of his most famous works is the enormous house called Longleat in Wiltshire, which was finished in 1580 and is considered one of the finest examples of Elizabethan architecture. [9] Shakespeare outdid them all; he combined the best traits of Elizabethan drama with classical sources, enriching the admixture with his imagination and wit. Tapestries and paintings adorn the walls, whilst moulded plaster ceilings in the style of Gothic fan vaulting provide visual interest. The pastoral style of the work, which was popular in the Elizabethan Era, was drawn from the works of Roman poet Virgil (70-19 bce). [4] [8], Lyly's prose style was imitated by many Elizabethans, and Euphues was praised as an attempt to elevate the English language to a new level of artistic expression. [12] [16] [3] The inherent beauty of these designs was enhanced with the introduction of panes of glass in upper and middle class homes. It was a brief period of internal peace between the English Reformation and the religious battles between Protestants and Catholics and then the political battles between parliament and the monarchy that engulfed the remainder of the seventeenth century. [15] The carvings upon them were, however, simple. [1] [24] During the Elizabethan period the sonnet often appeared as part of a sequence of love poems. [2] [3] During the Tudor period, the use of glass when building houses was first used, and became widespread. This period also saw the introduction of a new genre in English theatre, the tragicomedy, which became very popular. | St. Edward's University Questions | Q & A | GradeSaver, Characteristics of Elizabethan Furniture English Period History. Elizabeth specializes in murals and hand painted decoration, studying Elizabethan design with a scholarly eye. [9] The furniture retained many Elizabethan characteristics but the ornament gradually became less prominent. As you may imagine, complex ornamentation and motifs were one of the most defining characteristics of Elizabethan furniture. A timeless style favoured by the Elizabethans is chequered black and white flooring crafted in marble, which can be observed in the stately Marble Hall at Hatfield House. Of course, William Shakespeare is the most notable author to come out of this period, dominating the literary scene like Elizabeth I dominated the Tudor dynasty. While original pieces from the era are extraordinarily rare and reserved only for museums or the wealthiest collectors, antique reproduction furniture from the Elizabethan era encompasses all of the same characteristics that made it so popular at the time. As you may imagine, complex ornamentation and motifs were one of the most defining characteristics of Elizabethan furniture. Her award winning ‘Arden’ collection for fabric and wallpaper purveyor, Zoffany, is based around rare historical papers and fabrics from the Elizabethan period. [23] Historically, Elizabethan theatre refers to plays performed in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603). The earliest Jacobean furniture was influenced mainly by Elizabethan furniture, characterized by heavy ornamentation, scrollwork, thick columns, arches, and massive size. The Elizabethan era, or as some would have it, Elisabethan, of English furniture history saw a gradual absorption of the Gothic tradition, dominant in the tudor furniture period, into a native English version of the Renaissance movement, particularly that part of the Renaissance as had developed in Holland, Germany, and the Flemish lands. In the Middle Ages (c. 500-c. 1500; the period of European history between ancient times and the Renaissance) most Europeans considered the arts to be a means of conveying religious ideas. Admirers of antique Elizabethan style furniture will have to content themselves with reproductions. Designed by architect Robert Smythson, the property is upheld as a leading example of the Elizabethan prodigy house. In the Elizabethan age, England challenged the modern and ancient writers in various fields of literature - drama, epic, pastoral, lyric, romance, allegory, history and philosophy. [7] Oak was still the timber used during the reigns of James I and Charles I. At the close of the Elizabethan era in English furniture history furniture and interior decoration styles had undergone significant changes from the preceding tudor period and furniture had begun to be made in larger quantities and varieties. The Protestant/Catholic divide was settled, for a time, by the Elizabethan Religious Settlement, and parliament was not yet strong enough to challenge royal absolutism. [6], Elizabethan furniture was inspired by both the Gothic and Renaissance styles, most notably those that emerged in Holland, Germany, and the Flemish lands at the time. The long beginning of the Elizabethan popular theatre, like that of the Greek theatre, lay in religious ceremonials, probably in the drama in the liturgy of the two greatest events in the Christian year, Christmas and Easter. This is a design with enduring appeal, and one which we have incorporated into our luxury residences to make an instant statement. [16] [12] Characteristics of Elizabethan-Style Chairs. [10], The third great English author of this period is Sir Thomas More, who served as Henry VIII's lord chancellor and wrote Utopia in 1516. [7], This popular Elizabethan convention is a literary or dramatic technique in which a single character talks aloud inner thoughts to him or herself, but not within earshot of another character. This play, along with Gorboduc would set the stage for the rise of Elizabethan theatre. [4], During the Elizabethan period, rouge cheeks and lips were very popular. The Elizabethan era is the epoch in the Tudor period of the history of England during the reign of Queen ElizabethI (1558-1603). St. Ives Historical Society This nonprofit California association has a number of good essays on Elizabethan life. I am convinced part of the confusion lies with the title, itself. Sidney's poems and the works that followed, written by poets such as Edmund Spenser (c. 1552-1599), Fulke Greville (1554-1628), Michael Drayton (1563-1631), and William Shakespeare (1564-1616), represent the best of Elizabethan poetry. It was not until the Elizabethan Era, the period associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) that is often considered to be a golden age in English history, that the English Renaissance began. On balance, it can be said that Elizabeth provided the country with a long period of general if not total peace and generally increased prosperity due in large part to stealing from Spanish treasure ships, raiding settlements with low defenses, and selling African slaves. The Elizabethan literature was flourishing, inspirational and created many great works of drama. During the reign of Elizabeth I, knobs were added to the legs of furniture, along with the design of massive, four-poster beds known as Elizabethan beds. Wood panelling was also used extensively inside with intricate carved detail being laboured around the fireplace, acting as an art form within its own right. The Arts in the Elizabethan World - Dictionary definition of The Arts in the Elizabethan World | Encyclopedia.com: FREE online dictionary, Elizabethan Theatre Conventions | The Drama Teacher, English Literary Periods: Renaissance Period (1485-1625) - The Writer's Spot, Characteristics of the Elizabethan Age by J Deram on Prezi, Jumani Pooja Assigamant: Characteristic of the Elizabethan Age, Salient Features of Elizabethan Poetry | Pen and the Pad, The basic features of Elizabethan Poetry Essay Example for Free, Historical background and literary features of the Elizabethan age (1550-1630). [15] At Oliver Burns, we believe interiors should go beyond beauty and aesthetics to reflect deeper meaning and values. This commitment to preserving Britain’s glorious heritage saw us presented with the civic award for sympathetic restoration of period properties. Elizabethan & Jacobean Period (1560-1660) The long reign of Elizabeth I was one of order and expansion, when the English finally abandoned their attempts to conquer France and turned their attentions to the ‘New World’.The increase in trade led to an unprecedented influx of wealth, the emergence of a merchant class and a new era of building. The Elizabethan Drama. Something of what Jonson and Dekker do for the city, Massinger does for country life in his best known play, A New Way to Pay Old Debts, 9 one of the few Elizabethan dramas outside of Shakespeare which have held the stage down to our own time. The English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model it is also true that the Elizabethan era was a very violent age and that the high incidence of political assassination in renaissance Italy embodies by Nicola Machination the prince did little to calm fears of popish plots that time a result representing that kind of violence on the stage was probably more cathartic for the Elizabethan spectra. [7] English achievements in exploration were noteworthy in the Elizabethan era. [23] The early Tudor period, particularly the reign of Henry VIII, was marked by a break with the Roman Catholic Church and a weakening of feudal ties, which brought about a vast increase in the power of the monarchy. [7] Elizabethan plays commonly consisted of dialogue that was poetic, dramatic and heightened beyond that of the vernacular of the day. Just like the burst of literary creation during the medieval era came to the end with the War of the Roses, the renaissance brought on by this period in English history would too be halted during the English Civil War until the restoration of the Monarchy heralded a new literary age. Though Foxe's book was extremely expensive, it became an Elizabethan bestseller, selling more than ten thousand copies by the end of the century. Privacy Policy  | [9] Elizabethan architecture. These replaced wooden shutters, allowing light to infiltrate the home and create a sense of airiness and space. The Elizabethan age saw the flowering of poetry (the sonnet, the Spenserian stanza, dramatic blank verse), was a golden age of drama (especially for the plays of Shakespeare), and inspired a wide variety of splendid prose (from historical chronicles, versions of the Holy Scriptures, pamphlets, and literary criticism to the first English novels). Tables with 4 or 6 bulbous legs with stretcher rails at the bottom as a footrest to keep feet of … Much of this detailing centres around the grand entrance hall, which was reflective of the homeowner’s wealth. [6], The Elizabethan age is most famous for, of course, its theater, hair styles, dress and fashion, music, but it is the furniture of the Elizabethan period that holds our interest presently. In its earlier stages, Jacobean furniture still displays the heavy enrichment of the Elizabethan carved oak furniture. To help recognize Jacobean Furniture Design these are the eight basic characteristics: – Jacobean and Cromwellian (the first two parts of the larger Jacobean Period) furniture has straight lines. As one of our most prolific playwrights, Shakespeare was a leading contributor to the thriving literary and academic scene that flourished under Queen Elizabeth I. [8] Sometimes, performance styles are associated with periods in history (and hence, theatre history) and Elizabethan theatre (or Elizabethan drama) is one of these examples. It is through Othello’s character that Shakespeare is able to challenge the stereotypical ideology of "The Moor’ by making him an Elizabethan hero. [18] [11] [4], In response and reaction to this hyperbole, modern historians and biographers have tended to take a more dispassionate view of the Tudor period. [12] [8] Heavy bulbous tables – bulbous turning often with much carved ornament such as gadrooning, nulling and acanthus leaves. [22] [5], Sewage was buried in pits or disposed of in the River Thames, this improper sanitation could have been responsible for outbreaks of the plague, which was the only time when then there was less of an audience at the theatres ( Elizabethan Era ). [5] [4] [3] [8] With his departure, he invited craftsmen from all over Europe to beautify the English Court, during which this furniture went through a heavy transformation.