This blog is meant to be a fun take on predicting Song and Record of the Year for the 63rd Annual GRAMMY Awards. By nar-rowing the scope of the study to only dance music, re-searchers were able to present a more focused work. Example of hit listings before adding musical features. A number of different classifiers are used to build and test dance hit prediction models. The resulting best model has a good performance when predicting whether a song is a ‘top 10’ dance hit versus a lower listed position. The precision levels for the non-hit and hit classes are 0.98 and 0.55, respectively. An-other study attempted to classify songs based on lyric con-tent [7]. While they successfully classified many hits, they also returned many false positives and concluded that ana- Dance hit song prediction. A number of different classifiers are used to build and test dance hit prediction models. After a postponement due to rising COVID-19 numbers in … A database of dance hit songs from 1985 until 2013 is built, including basic musical features, as well as more advanced features that capture a temporal aspect. Different classifiers are used to build and test dance hit prediction models. Our model reacts better when it comes to non-hits songs. Hit songs are getting so predictable. A number of different classifiers are used to build and test dance hit prediction models. In this research we tackle this question by focusing on the dance hit song classification problem. A database of dance hit songs from 1985 until 2013 is built, including basic musical features, as well as more advanced features that capture a temporal aspect. [preprint link] Herremans, D., & Bergmans, T. (2017). No, literally. Outline Music Information Retrieval Hit Prediction Dance Hit Prediction Dataset Models Results Conclusion Conclusion Multiple models were built that can predict if a dance song is going te be a top 10 hit and implemented in an online application. Journal of New Music Research, 43(3), 291–302. Hit song prediction based on early adopter data and audio features. Events in the entertainment industry look a little different this year, with the GRAMMYs being a prime example. chines (SVM) to predict top 10 Dance Hits [4]. BibTeX @MISC{Herremans14dancehit, author = {Dorien Herremans and David Martens and Kenneth Sörensen}, title = {Dance Hit Song Prediction}, year = {2014}} The recipe for what makes a pop or dance song a hit has apparently become so formulaic, a … The resulting best model has a good performance when predicting whether a song is a "top 10" dance hit versus a lower listed position. Dance hit song prediction 293 Table 2. This translates that 98% of all the songs the model classified as non-hits are indeed non-hits; and, only 55% of the songs it predicted hits really are. The 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) — Late Breaking Demo.