Explore research monographs, classroom texts, and professional development titles. IRRIDEX MODEL • Theory about the social impacts of tourism. They are also conducive to the stressing of a number of themes and to the omission of others. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. The theory of sustainable tourism thus off late has emerged of greater relevance, which is necessary to promote environmental awareness and boost tourism industry on the whole. Watch cutting-edge streaming video that supports teaching, learning and research at all levels. Have you created a personal profile? The gap between the theories and the reality can be bridged through research and constant study of tourist behavior. Later in the mid 1970s, Doxey proposed the Irritation Index or the Irridex. It no longer remains a luxury of the upper class but has become a mass product for the growing consumer market, in this case the growing tourist community. usually arranged by a travel agent. The classification according to demand describes the main purpose of travel. Cohen's (1974) and Leiper's (1979) work, and P. L. Pearce's (1982:28-30) ... Tourism as democratized travel: The emphasis is on the traveler compo- nent of the tourist role; the tourist is viewed as a kind of traveler marked by some distinct analytical traits (Cohen 1974; P. L. Pearce 1982:28-40). Freud's psychoanalytic theory of infantile sexuality provided a limited starting point, as well as a theoretical base for Erik Erikson's proposed eight stages of the life cycle. For example the direct outcomes of tourism development would be the modification of the internal structure of the community, increasing employment opportunities of the local residents, social change, economic affluence, improvement of the quality of life through infrastructure development. What can be the cultural and social impact of tourism development. 2.4 Theory of tourism development. NO PLANNING • Planning is not necessary • Tourism may not be seen as a priority industry 16. In order to substantiate this claim, the authors trace the development of sociological theory and the emergence of a variety of approaches. ... 1.2.1 The Impacts of Tourism Development - An Historic Overview 5 1.2.2 Tourism Planning - An Historic Overview 7 1.2.3 Sustainable Tourism - An Historic Overview 15 1.2.4 Tourism Destination Life-Cycle 22 1.3 Rationale for this Research 23 1.4 Structure of the Dissertation 26. Discover trustworthy and timely resources in American government, politics, history, public policy, and current affairs. Butler refers to both Plog and Cohen who have done research on different types of tourist. Within this, Butler’s model demonstrates 6 stages of tourism development. It is more of a consumer product; tourism industry is a vibrant market where tourism products can be sold now as any other consumer product, consumer here is the tourist. This sheer vastness of the industry is understood from the fact that the numbers of tourists worldwide are anticipated to be doubled to one billion plus by the end of 2010. ECOTOURISM AND OTHER TOURISM TYPES
NATURE-BASED TOURISM. No plagiarism, guaranteed! The most general classification of tourists is on the basis of the needs of the tourist. Prince, Solène. 2. Thus it can be seen in the essay how tourist behavioral needs, motivations, actions directly and indirectly affect tourism development in a place. Tourism, “What do tourists do and why?” Critically discuss, Tourism industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industry and largest employers in the modern world. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. New directions in the sociology of tourism. The second type was the individual mass tourists who use the same facilities as the organized mass tourists, but the difference lies only in decision making. 280-82. Plog’s theory was based on a case study conducted on New York residents and their attitudes to travel. The theory of sustainable Tourism Development Prof. Alberta Tahiri Gjilani College Prof. dr. Idriz Kovaci Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ferizaj Abstract Tourism is a phenomenon that has seen a rapid multifold increase and growth since the middle of the twentieth century. Many scholars have tried to define the typology of the tourists, their classifications in order to understand the concept of tourism. The key point in Butler’s model was that planning and proper remedial action by the tourists can help arrest the decline in resorts and tourism infrastructure. Tourism is no more synonymous to traveling. E Cohen. This does not refer to the physical capacity alone but also to the capacity of a particular area to provide tourism infrastructure, pool in investments, manpower, and natural resources. 280-282). The history of tourism: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance Era. Cohen in 1972 developed a theory which is related to the behavior of tourists. While explorers would most often arrange their own trips, meet and interact with the locals drifters avoid all contact with other tourists and leave with the locals. Info: 2793 words (11 pages) Essay Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UKEssays.com. Thus there are two types of tourists, the allo-centric and psycho-centric types of tourist. He argued that there are particular psychological types who do not like unfamiliar environments or cultures, so when they select a holiday they will seek the familiar regions than unfamiliar remote regions (these he termed psycho-centric). Sociological theorizing about tourism during the last quarter of the 20 th century was dominated by the question of the relationship between tourism and (Western) modernity (MacCannell, 1973, MacCannell, 1976, Wang, 2000), and particularly by the issue of authenticity as a cultural motive, albeit motivating individuals to varying degrees of intensity (E. Cohen, 1979), in tourist experience. *You can also browse our support articles here >. (Kamra, p 184) This essay will discuss in brief the different theories of tourism which define tourist behavior, their roles, activities and motivations which in turn influence the i… While the former is mainly conceived as one who would basically travel to understand the place and thus would rather prefer longer trips and would plan it individually. COHEN’S THEORY In 1972, he developed a theory which is related to the behavior of tourists and classified the typology into four namely: 1. Annual Review of Anthropology Representations of International Tourism in the Social Sciences: Sun, Sex, Sights, Savings, and Servility M Crick Annual Review of Anthropology Secular Symbolism: Studies of Ritual, Ceremony, and the Symbolic Order in Modern Life J R Gusfield, and and J Michalowicz Annual Review of Sociology. What do tourists do and why? And like all other products, tourist destinations also have a life cycle. the academic study of tourism is by Smith (1989), first published in 1977. Cohen, S.A. & Cohen, E. (2017). This would mainly classify the entire tourist community into two groups-the traveler and the tourist. Rather most of the tourists were located in the center point between the two extremes of psycho-centric and allo-centric.And that majority of the tourists would seek the familiar and prefer not to travel great distances to get there. Particularly, Cohen’s model was a reaction to earlier attempts, most particularly by the historian Daniel Boorstin, at defining tourists. There are five sections to this paper. Butler proposed a model for tourism area life cycle in which he showed how a destination begins as a relatively unknown place and visitors first come in small fractions because of lack of access, facilities and local knowledge (Miller and Galluci, 2004). (Kamra, 12). Butler suggested a model where a tourism destination develops over time as a result of several factors. Cohen’s model of typologies of tourists is an early conceptual framework aimed at the sociological analysis of the phenomenon of modern tourism. 13 Mar 2021, doi: http://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781483368924.n109. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Google Scholar. "Cohen’s Model of Typologies of Tourists." APPROACHES TO TOURISM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 15. In fact there has been a combination of factors which have resulted in the proliferation of tourism industry. you can save clips, playlists and searches. Understanding the needs and motivations of the tourists will help boost tourism industry manifolds. Understanding the motive behind traveling might help to predict consumer psyche. Specifically, Boorstin placed the latter under the unilateral unflattering category of cultural dope and passive sight-seer. This classification of tourists lives longer than the other groups. Online book version), Second edition- 2008, Mason, P. & Cheyne, J. This apart there is a further need for more field studies and employment of professionals in conducting the research, which will help achieve greater theoretical orientation and practical application. Looking for a flexible role? Using a graph, it plots the different stages in tourism development in accordance with the x and y axis of tourist number growth and time. Tourism industry is still one of those industries, which is regulated by government administration. Organized mass tourists – travel in groups; buy a packaged tour which is arranged in advance by travel agents or tour operators. Frank, A. This theory suggests that over time, as the locals become more hostile to visitors, the number of visitors will not continue to grow at the same previous rate and may actually decline Thus classification on the basis of demand to a large extent determines the needs and the activities of the tourists. Unlike Freud, however, Erikson and others including Daniel Levinson, George Vaillant, and Carol Gilligan elaborated on forces in adult development that were distinct from early life experiences. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. Some scholars have tried to classify the tourist on the basis of their needs, which explains the reason for their travel. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! They are characterized by fully packaged holidays. Current Issues in Tourism (In press). They buy a packaged tour which is arranged in advance by a travel agent or a tour operator. Harrison (1992) and Woodcock and France (1994) suggest that traditional development approaches could prove a useful framework for the explanation of tourism development patterns and … Annals of Tourism Research 40:132-154. 1967 Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. On the cultural side the arts, crafts and culture of the local area might be revived. (2000).” Residents’ Attitudes to Proposed Tourism Development, Annals of Tourism Research.”, Peter Mason, “Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management” Second Edition, Abraham Pizam, Yoel Mansfeld, “Consumer behaviour in travel and tourism” Softcover edition published 2000, John Swarbrooke, Susan Horner, 2007, Consumer behaviour in tourism, Edition: 2, p 4, 428 pages. He classified the typology of tourists based on their behavior into four namely; Organized mass tourists- these tourists travel in groups. “What do tourists do and why?” Critically discuss Tourism industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing industry and largest employers in the modern world. Prince, S. (2017). In his 1972 journal article “Towards a Sociology of International Tourism,” the sociologist Erik Cohen was the first to … "Thus, according to dependency theory, tourism is an industry like any other, which is used by the developed countries to perpetuate the dependency of the developing countries. K Kamra 1997, “Tourism: Theory, Planning and Practice”, Peter Mason, “Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management”. Cohen’s model of typologies of tourists is an early conceptual framework aimed at the sociological analysis of the phenomenon of modern tourism. In fact it will not be unjustified to say that there has been transition from the 19th and early 20th century concept of tourism as an exercise in leisure and pleasure domain to the concept of tourism as an exercise in business, economics. But this classification is very vague. Sign up for a free trial and experience all SAGE Knowledge has to offer. One of the major challenges that the World Tourism Organization made in its Global Forecasts for the year 2000 and beyond is the issue of sustainability, which relates to the absorptive capacity of an economy with respect to tourism. Tourism no longer stands for simple traveling or temporary journeys and stays mainly for pleasure, leisure and or recreational purposes or a luxury element. Cohen`S Tourist Typology (1972) Cohen`s divided tourist in four categories: i) Organized mass tourists:- Organized mass tourists are highly dependent on environmental bubble. The Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero might well be considered the first gerontologist. We found other relevant content for you on other SAGE platforms. If both the above mentioned tourist theories which basically delve into the characteristics of human behavioral aspects are combined then we would see that majority of Cohen’s mass tourist and independent mass tourists would converge with Plog’s psycho-centric tourists. This leads to the presentation of a global model of tourism political economy that incorporates both developed and Throughout the Middle Ages (5-14th centuries AD) travel – and by extension tourism – was pretty much nonexistent. The fundamental idea as it is evident from the name of the index itself is that over a time period as the number of tourist increase in a particular area, a greater irritation and hatred would build up amongst the locals towards the tourists. On the contrary many of the remote areas are now getting faster developed than those near the major population areas. Sustainable tourism in a nutshell can be explained as a means by which tourist growth is achieved as well as environment and earth’s scarce resources are preserved. The conceptualization of tourist motivations has been a major research theme attracting attention from as early as the sixties. One who would indulge in shorter trips and group tours or charters and would mainly depend on tour agents. He concluded that the majority of the tourists were neither fully psycho- centric nor fully allo-centric. It became dangerous after the fall of the Roman Empire. SAGE Publications, Inc, https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781483368924.n109. There can also be classification on the basis of the meaning and requirement, where tourists might travel for the sake of simple recreation, diversion, experiential, experimental reasons. Development of the Travel and Tourism Industry since 1960 ; Trends and Factors; The 3 A's Of Tourism. development, product pricing etc. collapse. 280-282 Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar 2021]. Or for example an offbeat tourist might travel to get away from the crowds. There are wide varieties of conceptual and theoretical approaches to tourism, which have to be tested in reality. He argues that foreign corporations control the tourism industry. Travel and tourism was traditionally considered as a luxury item. The prime being increased leisure, higher incomes of burgeoning middle class. Thesis statement: Tourists and their thought process, their behavior and motivations are centrifugal to the concept of tourism. Instead of reducing the existing socio-economic regional disparities within the developing countries, tourism reinforces them through its enclave structure and … A destination is defined most widely as a product is marketed to its consumers. (Kamra, p 184). The essay will outline some of the old theories and the modern day approach and why there is a need for more research based studies to exploit the potential of this industry. All three of these will at some point come into your travel and tourism. Tourism represents a major sector of the global economy and, as such, is considered by many to be an effective driver of economic growth and development in destination areas. All work is written to order. Modern day tourism is much more than simple traveling; it is pure economics, which is determined by theories of demand, and supply, which brings in the question of sustainability. Cultural attractions, education, gaining knowledge about new cultures might be other important motivations. By continuing to use this site you consent to receive cookies. There is a general lack of awareness about these theories amidst the policy makers. Tourism Development Dependency Theory ... Chaperon, S., and B. Bramwell 2013 Dependency and Agency in Peripheral Tourism Development. While the psycho-centric would not travel far from the local environment the allo-centric would travel long distances to unfamiliar locations. Destination is a very important element in tourism. In L. Lowry (Ed. MacCannell (1976) has also been highly in-fluential, especially for developing a theory of tourism … It states that residents’ attitudes towards tourism will deteriorate over the period of time 14. Tourism industry is one of the fastest growing industry employing hundreds of millions of people worldwide, which explains the reason why the study of the tourism and tourism research has become so important in not only the academic field but also for the economy on the whole. You must have a valid academic email address to sign up. An important point that emerged from the destination development of Plog’s theory is that different tourists destinations are attractive to different types of tourists based on the kind of traveler they are, psycho or allo-centric and that majority of the tourists will prefer to travel for short distances than longer ones to go for holidays. In conclusion it can be said that although several tourism theories have been put forth by several scholars to determine the roles and activities, the characteristics of tourists to boost the industry. There can be other motivations also like quest for new experience, personal visits etc. Development of new distillation is eventually marked as a scope of tourism (Bimonte and Punzo, 2016) as indicated by butler’s theory of the tourism development strategic management and planning is been presented for developing new destinations for the tourists and its practical implementation requires to be researched for conforming the conceptual framework that are included … As per the Cohen’s theory of tourism in 1984 presented for identifying and understanding behaviour of tourists developing tourist destinations become easier once the preferences as well as sources of the tourist are easily recognised. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Company Registration No: 4964706. Login or create a profile so that First you need Access you need some form of transport to get there whether it is Road, Rail, Sea or Air. Twentieth century ushered in the paradigm shift in the concept of tourism. This essay will discuss in brief the different theories of tourism which define tourist behavior, their roles, activities and motivations which in turn influence the industry. Table 1 depicts the characteristics of these four types. Gene Cohen’s theory of human potential phases took middle age as a starting point and proposed an extensive structure for late-life development based on emergent strengths including wisdom and creativity. Sign in here to access your reading lists, saved searches and alerts. Prince, Solène. This sheer vastness of the industry is understood from the fact that the numbers of tourists worldwide are anticipated to be doubled to one billion plus by the end of 2010. Evolutionary Theory, Punctuated Equilibrium, and Chaos Theory. The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. pp. It involves activities such as skills development, job and wealth creation, and marketing. But the problem with most of these theories was that most of them were not based on proper field research but on discussions. This group makes more individual based decisions about their activity and trip. What is required is the right approach. Tourism development refers to all the activities associated with providing facilities for tourists in a destination. Lepp, A. Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email feature. Plog further added that there are still some groups in society who will be prepared to risk a far more uncertain holiday destination. Only right kind of practices would be able to give the necessary boost to this industry, which alone will contribute the largest chunk in global trade. Cohen (1972), a sociologist of tourism, classifies tourists into four types, based on the degree to which they seek familiarity and novelty: the drifter, the explorer, the individual mass tourist, and the organized mass tourist. Similarly the interaction between the host and tourist increases tolerance and communication skills etc. Contemporary studies of tourism see the tourist experience as either something essentially spurious and superficial, an extension of an alienated world, or as a serious search for authenticity, an effort to escape from an alienated world. It is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (WCED, 1987, p. 43).
18. The study of tourism theories and practices therefore would mainly revolve around the needs, motivations, role, experiences of the the tourists. Cohen (1984) also maintained that work on the sociology of tourism could be classified into four main issue areas: tourists themselves, inter- DANN AND COHEN 159 action of tourists with locals, the tourism system, and tourism impacts. First was the organized mass tourists who travel in groups, who prefer packaged holiday (travel, accommodation, food etc.) Marketing of various tourist destinations through liaison, training and advice of local tourism businesses promotes tourism development. In The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism, edited by Lowry, Linda L., 280-82. While this is good some scholars criticize it as stereotypical and generalized which might not be the same in reality. (Kamra, p 157), According to statistics brought out by the statistics of the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) in 1994, tourism contributed 12 per cent of the world’s Gross National Product. Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle (TALC) (Mason, 33) model on tourism which is still the most widely accepted and important theory deals with a particular destination, his theory explains how a destination emerge as a tourist destination after several stages. Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle Model is a simplistic linear model. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! There can be a pure mass group also under the demand-based classification where the tourist might prefer normal tour packages and holiday trips to conventional places. The Irridex was based on the relationship between the tourists and the locals. Some of the most prevalent theories of destination development and classification of tourists. Cohen’s Model of Typologies of Tourists. The key components of four development paradigms (modernization, dependency, economic neoliberalism, and alternative development) are discussed … The latter classified, as a tourist in layman’s version would be characterized as one with superficial interest. THEORIES ON TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Doxey in 1975 proposed a theory called "Irritation Index" or "Irridex". It focuses on the nature of development and explores the evolution of development theory since the ending of the Second World War. First, the current state of development theory is examined; second, its application to tourism as a tool for development is discussed; and third, several postulates that can be derived from this discussion are raised. Copyright © 2003 - 2021 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. "Cohen’s Model of Typologies of Tourists." Tourists’ behavior research in tourism has to be based on motivations, typologies, destination choices and the decision process. Most of the tourists travel for change of environment because of which new concepts of tourism like eco-tourism, rural tourism have come into existence. and also helps in predicting future trends in tourist behaviour. Man because of his gregarious nature is bound to travel from one place to another to fulfill his various needs be it social, emotional or physical. Researchers have also identified several cons like deployment of natural resources, increased pressure on existing infrastructure, commodification of culture and its negative effects etc (Beeton 18). While Plog’s theory was based more on the psychological part of tourists, Erik Cohen’s theory relate to the behavior of the tourists. Figure 3, the table above, is Numpty Nerd's interpretation of Plog and Cohen. expansion of global international tourism (E. Cohen, 2012). The Sociology … Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483368924.n109. The tourism industry has been growing at a phenomenal rate for the last fifty year especially, after the Second World War. Edited by Linda L. Lowry. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, Watch videos from a variety of sources bringing classroom topics to life, Explore hundreds of books and reference titles, The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. Discover the real world of business for best practices and professional success. K. Andriotis Chapter Two: Tourism Development - 11 - CHAPTER TWO: TOURISM DEVELOPMENT 2.0 INTRODUCTION Development by its nature is a process of change and may be explained in a variety of ways. Developmental theory, Life cycle, Erik Erikson, Dan Levinson, George Vaillant, Gene Cohen. Erik Cohen who developed a classification of tourists where there was a four chief classification. Different authors have classified different categories of tourists as below: 3. Keeping in tune with the changing times consumer demands will also change, more classifications based on growing needs of tourists might emerge. CrossRef Google Scholar. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. While manpower would not be a constraint, other natural resources might be. 2008 Tourism and Dependency: An Analysis of Bigodi Village, Uganda. Traveling is thus characteristic to human society on the whole. There are also the explorers and the drifters. Elements of a Marketing Plan in Travel and Tourism, Geography of Light and Landscape in Travel, Rural Planning and Development for Tourism, Wine Tourism, New World Wines, Australia/New Zealand, Wine Tourism, New World Wines, South Africa, Wine Tourism, New World Wines, South America, Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals, Travel and Tourism’s Most Pressing Issues for the 21st Century, Urban Planning and Development for Tourism, Worldmaking and the Representation of Peoples and Places in/Through Tourism, Accessibility Issues in Travel and Tourism, International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle and Its Expansion to the Creative Economy, Transportation and Infrastructure Issues in the Developing World, Currency, Traveler’s Checks, and Credit Cards, Food and Beverage Establishments, Types of, Professional Certifications, Event Planners, Professional Certifications, Travel Agents, Air Flight Plan, Flight Path, and Flight Recorder, https://sk.sagepub.com/reference/the-sage-international-encyclopedia-of-travel-and-tourism/i3733.xml, CCPA – Do Not Sell My Personal Information, View or download all content my institution has access to. They usually Today tourism is just like a normal consumer product, which is driven by market dynamics, demand supply, sold through retail outlets. For example attraction towards Buddhist culture has made Myanmar and some parts of North East India a major hub for Buddhist tourists from all around the world. Plog’s discussed the tourist behavior and motivations based on the psychology of the tourists. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc, 2017, pp. In: Linda L. Lowry Editor, 2017. Start your research with authoritative encyclopedias and handbooks in the social and behavioral sciences. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne said, “A man should ever be ready booted to take his journey.”. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. To enhance your experience on our site, SAGE stores cookies on your computer. Researchers have identified a whole gamut of positive impacts of tourism development on societies. Differences in perspective in turn lead to alternative ways of conceptualizing tourism. In his 1972 journal article “Towards a Sociology of International Tourism,” the sociologist Erik Cohen was the first to suggest that there are different types of tourists. VAT Registration No: 842417633. But with the turn of the century, definition of travel and tourism has evolved. However, in actual practice, sometimes this theory may also prove wrong. The recession has had an effect on the industry, but the numbers of tourists worldwide are anticipated to be doubled to one billion plus by the end of 2010. While an explorer tourist group will want discovery, adventure, exploration, a elite tourist might have a special personally customized tailored trip to any exotic places. The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism. When you hear of the 3 A's Of Tourism it means Access, Amenities and Ancillaries. (Swarbrooke and Horner – p 4). ), The sage international encyclopedia of travel and tourism (pp. Her volume provided both a preliminary theoretical perspective and 12 case studies documenting the impacts of tourism.